Thursday, 26 December 2013

Mind and Brain

The video is here...

Mind and Brain

This post explores the possibility of letting the brain work naturally without any coercion or direction and letting it convey its messages from the higher levels within itself which connect to the non-physical to the lower levels within itself from which those messages spread out into the physical world around us. Letting the brain work in this way means that the mind which is a brain/ego creation isn't used, so the brain isn't limited in its scope.

Working in this unrestricted way means the brain is in direct contact, through perception, of non tangible things such as creativity, insight, wisdom, intelligence, realisation and an understanding which isn't shaped or limited. The implications of all this are passed from the non physical to the physical via the brain as images which are non verbal. These images are infused with energy which gives them life and vitality and allows them to give rise to action in the world if they aren't interfered with, or block, by the action of the mind.

Mind is the creation of the brain to allow the brain to communicate with the world around us but its an artificial creation without life or living energy in which artificial systems develop - logic, reason, personal thought, memory, analysis, idea, the scientific method, being objective and so on which is very small and limited and simply get in the brains way. Also the idea of the personal self builds up and lodges in the mind giving rise to the search for personal advantage, money, fame, recognition and so on which causes more distortion.

So its seems a better thing to by-pass the confused mess that has become the mind and personal self and go back to letting the brain communicate directly with the world through images. This means the brain refocuses in a different direction and a cleansing of the brain will begin when this is seen - that the mind has gone beyond being useful to the brain and a new direction is needed.

Hope this helps...


Rheumatoid Arthritis, Cells and Cancer Part 3

The video is here...

Rheumatoid Arthritis, Cells and Cancer Part 3

This carries on from Rheumatoid Arthritis, Cells and Cancer Part 2.

The cells of the body consume or process the waste material that the body has reabsorbed, which should have been passed out of the body, as described in the previous video in this series. It does this to generate usable energy for the physical process of the body, but in the process a type of gas is given off which gives rise to some forms of asthma, depression, migraine and similar conditions. Rheumatoid arthritis comes as a direct result of the waste material being in the body unprocessed by the cells and this material also gives rise to some forms of dementia. The damaging properties are made worse when coffee and cola type soft drinks are consumed.

The absorption of toxic pollution through the skin - mostly the wrists and ankles - also gives rise to similar conditions but through a different process.

This waste material goes on to form or bond with the strands of the DNA so affecting the way it works and the process therein. For some reason this waste material is selected to bond with the DNA even though other types of material are available and the cells do that as well - select a highly damaging and inappropriate material to use when more suitable ones are available. Why this happens is unclear, but the joining of this waste material with the DNA looks like being connected to cancer and it doesn't seem possible that cancer can exist in a person without this waste material being present.

This waste material, which has the capacity to be highly energetic and is filled with the power of regeneration (or the death power as it was being called), and why the cells and DNA use it, needs a closer look. The fact that its in a pre-energetic state and therefore can be adapted may be significant...



Sunday, 20 October 2013

Healthy People Don't Get Ill

Here's the video...

Healthy People Don't Get Ill

...only people with a low level of health get ill. We seem to have the view that so long as there are no symptoms we are healthy and no thought's given to the level of health whereas most of us have a level of health at about 30% of whats possible, leaving us wide open to serious illness.

Its our constant exposure to an environment that we have made toxic, and exposure to viruses, bacteria, fungi, insects and so on that breed in this toxic environment that lowers our level of health. Also antibiotics, vaccines and drugs also play a major role in this, attacking the human immune system and breaking down the energy systems of the body that maintain health. Even the sunlight that reaches our bodies is changed as it passes through the polluted atmosphere affecting the strong nuclear interaction of the cells of our bodies. We need to be more perceptive of such matters.

We think that we catch an illness which leads to symptoms which damage the body and before the illness arrives we're healthy, but the truth is a person has to be in a decline, health wise, to have a very low level of health, before an illness, disease or contaminate can, not just get into a person, but to stay in and thrive. A persons own defenses, the immune system, has to be virtually knocked out for this to happen. Even conditions we would consider minor, such as the cold sore virus and athletes foot fungal infection are an indication of the decline in the general level of health for them to live in a person untroubled by the immune system.

Without the immune system and the energy systems of the body working correctly, and all toxic contamination removed from the body, trying to get rid of a long term, chronic condition is going to be very hard because its given comfort and protection by the weakness of the body to deal with such things and its this weakness that's let the illness in first of all. The illness isn't the cause of the problems or the only problem its just a problem further down the chain of problems that starts with the decline in our general level of health.

Its for these reasons that with the Healing With Energy methods the first 3 steps are designed to raise the general level of health and to remove toxic pollutants within the body, so when Healing With Energy Step 4 is used to tackle the illness itself by 'flushing out all the crap' as my friend Gavin once commented, the restored and recovered immune system can join in putting the body right, although experience has shown the immune system will put right what it considers to be the most important thing first which isn't usually the illness.

Hope you enjoyed this post...


Saturday, 19 October 2013

Perception and Understanding

The video is here...

Perception and Understanding

Understanding seems to have come to the forefront of human thinking as the way forward and the only way forward. Its derived from mental objects, that is we abstract a model of what we are seeing into our minds where it becomes a mental object which is studied and from that model is derived understanding. Understanding such models is the study of the artificial. It exists in isolation, and is the basis of the scientific method. It isolates the human being engaged in such activity which seems to be the whole point of it - in isolation the artificial core that we have created within ourselves, the me or personal self is preserved. This is the root of suffering: something not real inside that we have identified with that exists in isolation suffers.

Perception on the other hand is a completely different process engaging the entire mind. Perception can only happen when all the energy of the mind is engaged in the process of perception and that perception is part of a much bigger process which includes realisation and insight. Perception is the seeing of truth and the realisation of its implications through insight. Perception happens in real time with all consequences being seen. Adverse things might arise, but the perceptive mind will have anticipated them due to its constant awareness of processes.

A mind fixed in an understanding mode is restricted and unable to foresee the consequence of its actions. Being blind to its actions is essential because if the mind opens itself up to a more perceptive state, which is the seeing of truth, then the artificial mental state it has created would cease to exist, as the false will dissolve in the light of the perception of truth.

So the choice is: understanding can exist as part of the greater whole, that is the mind working in a unified way, but the artificial creation that hides behind understand, the self, will disappear. For the healer and a person interested in heath, perception is required, nothing else will do...

Thanks for reading,


Rheumatoid Arthritis, Cells and Cancer Part 2

The video is here...

Rheumatoid Arthritis, Cells and Cancer Part 2

Part 1 looked at how a certain type of environmental pollution, produced by electricity passing through transmission cables, changed the nature of light as it passes through the atmosphere reaching the cells of our bodies and all life on earth.

Part 2 looks at the process from the other end - how rheumatoid arthritis starts up in humans, and what's the link between rheumatoid arthritis, and its various by products, and cancer, which has always looked to perception as an active form of (passive) rheumatoid arthritis.

Damage is done to the colon by antibiotics which reverses the way the colon works so instead of drawing out and storing good energy material from food as it passes out from the body, the colon draws out and stores, for later use and conversion by the cells into energy the body can use, bad waste energy. This is the opposite of how it normally works and why damage caused by antibiotics to the colon causes it to act in this way is unclear.

Small amounts of waste energy passes into the spine through the coccyx which is the brains detection system. Information regarding the stored energy material feeds into the brain so the brain can regulate the extraction process and direct the cells of the body to convert certain energy materials the body needs into a form the body can use. When this waste energy enters the brain it seems the brain goes haywire directing the cells to consume and process not just more of this energy, but only this energy. Why is unclear. Also this waste energy in the brain leads to a certain type of mental confusion (dementia), some types of depression and mood swings.

The food we eat isn't the problem. The problem is the damage done to the colon by antibiotics and all the follow on effects. As the cells process this waste energy certain spin off conditions arise such as asthma, migraines, IBS, types of depression, allergies and so on.

Storing this waste energy in the body directly leads to the condition known as rheumatoid arthritis.

No new healing methods have been produced for this as this problem seems to have been remedied by the existing Healing with Energy methods 1 to 4 with No 4 being the one probably flushing out the colon of the damage caused by the antibiotics.

The link between rheumatoid arthritis and cancer, beyond perceiving they are two sides of the same problem remains unclear and how the cells of the body act or work when receiving the wrong type of sunlight also needs a closer study.

Hopefully Part 3 will open up the process more...

Thanks for reading,


Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Rheumatoid Arthritis, Cells and Cancer Part 1

The video is here...

Rheumatoid Arthritis, Cells and Cancer Part 1

 There appears to be a linkage between rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and cancer the two meeting in the cells of the body. As said before cancer seems like an active form of RA which appears passive or inert - a layer of dormant energy which seems to appear at around age 10 or 11. What it is, where it come from or how it got in is unclear

The energy of RA seems to act like a hub feeding or expressing itself in other forms of illness such as asthma, migraine, depression, allergies and so on and everybody seems to have this layer of RA in them even though most people have no symptoms or pain, its there damaging the immune system. This layer of RA energy needs to be in place damaging the body for other serious long term conditions to get in.

The cells of the body start to feed or consume this energy, why is unclear. More questions than answers at the moment...

More in Part 2,


Cancer an Overview

The video is here...

Cancer an Overview

Cancer is very complex requiring its own line of study as its different from the other long term chronic conditions as it has different causes and a different mechanism. Having done some preliminary vidoes on cancer this one, and the ones that follow, will start from the top down, that is the first thing that happens that leads to cancer. This overview is level 1, followed by level 2 which will look at the process in grater detail, then level 3 which will look at why different substances give rise to different cancers which seems to need the factors set out in level 1 & 2 to happen.

I starts it seems with sunlight and the interference of that sunlight as it reaches the cells of our bodies by a certain type of pollution given off by high tension electricity cables which transmit electricity from power station to cities. This pollution interferes with the sunlight blocking a certain component in it that the cells of our bodies need, that is the part that restricts cell growth, so the cells only receive the part that promotes growth.

This is the forerunner or puts the groundwork in place for cancer, that is uncontrolled cell growth. It doesn't lead to cancer directly, there are many more stages of levels the cells need to go through for that, but it does, as said, put the groundwork in place.

Move videos on this to come,

Regards and thanks for reading...


Monday, 26 August 2013

Health and Symptoms

Here's the video...

Health and Symptoms

Usually a long term chronic condition and its associated symptoms are not the real problem but part of a larger problem, which is the breakdown of a persons general health and the immune system which has stopped working or is working abnormally. This general breakdown of health has to happen before a long term chronic condition can get in and its protected or embedded in the bigger problem. That's why the healing methods posted start by remedying the general health before tackling the individual illnesses and why just trying to cure a specific illness can have little or no effect - its part of a larger problem.

A person can have a very low health level, say 30% of what it should be, but because there are no symptoms that 30% is taken as 100% because everybody else is at the same level. As a person drops below 30% more and more illnesses appear. The aim of the healing methods isn't just to repair the body and have it free of illness, but to raise a person's health up towards a true 100%, which means they are totally free of all influence. This is the goal.

Best wishes,


Thursday, 11 July 2013

Life Force and Cells

Here's the video...

Life Force and Cells

Life Force comes from the sun and enters the cells of living things where its adapted and transformed into Life Energy. This is on a different level from the vitality we receive from sun light, heat and radiation. Its a different force, the giver of life to certain cells, also giving rise to the strong nuclear interaction. The working of cells, how they interact with each other and many connected things needs a deeper look.

Something interferes with the Life Force between its journey from the sun to the cells, contaminating it. It picks up this contamination as it passes through atmosphere and its unclear what this contamination is, but its of the same order as the Life Force, that is, like Life Force its only partly in this physical universe. The connection between the Life Force and the cells seems always on, that is they are always connected, and instantaneous, that is not limited to light speeds in this physical universe.

Contamination enters the cells piggy backing the Life Force where the cells process it into Life Energy which is released into the body. This whole process needs more, very deep investigation.

More to come...

Best wishes,


Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Cancer, the Death Power and Life Energy

Here's the video...

Cancer, the Death Power and Life Energy

Going deeper into this. The Death Power is the power of change, of evolution, because there's no greater change than dying. This is done when a person has passed on and is between cycles. Its also the power that supports evolution during life bringing change over millennia.

The Life energy comes from and is generated from the cells of all things and it seems that the strong nuclear interaction is either a by-product of the Life Energy or its the Life Energy working on many levels. The Life energy resists change and maintains the status quo of life, binding or holding matter together.

Cancer seems to be an explosion or focus of Life Energy in the cells bringing about an accelerated evolution trying to change an individual in one life in a similar way as described in the blog and video on multiple sclerosis, although through two different methods.

Once the Life Energy has exploded and cell division has begun that process is shaped and guided by the  Death Power giving cancer its frightening power and strength.

So two questions arise: why does this process start and why is it so deadly?  It almost seems to be in a state of panic.

More to come...


Sunday, 7 July 2013

Copper Revisited

The video is here...

Copper Revisited

Following a suggestion from Gavin copper is being looked at again. He also said a cream would be needed, which we don't have yet, also the copper tape that goes around plant pots as a slug repellent must not be used, so some copper tape has been ordered off the internet - the sort used in arts and crafts.

The perception is that this method is for the nervous system and to re-establish the deeper processes in the body allowing them to continue.

The nervous system can have 2 problems: the fracturing of the system into separate parts that are unable to deal with the energy load that's usually spread though the unified system. This leads to pain in the nerves as too much energy passes through them. The second problem is actual damage to the nervous system caused by different illnesses.

The idea is to apply the copper tape to a persons spine, arms, legs neck and head to help the different parts of the nervous system reconnect. Copper is a good conductor and will allow energy to pass through it. The body can use this to reintegrate the nervous system.

With damage the hope is the copper will allow the body to form bridges of energy to by-pass the damage. When the copper strips are removed its hoped the energy by-passes will remain and function.  What the function of a cream is isn't known yet. Batteries might be used as in previous methods to provide power, but the method needs to be developed more.

Copper will also allow the body to start up deeper processes with it as copper is a good conductor.

This blog and video is to lay the groundwork. It will be interesting to see how things develop...

Best wishes,


The Personal Higg's Field and the Death Power

Here's the video...

The Personal Higg's Field and the Death Power

These fields and how they interact with each other's very interesting. The personal Higg's field not only acts as a storage area or archive of a persona life, but is also a means by which the body and the life of a person is restored. Energy and power from direct line ancestors also flows into the personal Higg's field of a living descendent where the field can use this power and energy to restore the life of the person its connected to. This must be the reason why the personal Higg's field connects to blood relatives. The power and energy has to be compatible enough for it to be used for restoration.

The death power also seems to have become contaminated, or overloaded, with the power of horrific death. The death of people in agony. This seems to flow into the individuals personal Higg's field where it passes down through the blood generations. The death power would normally be a regenerative power, bringing invigoration, but this has changed so the death power now communicates disease within it. The death power always seems to associate itself with cancer and clears up a mystery: why cancer has power beyond what the human body has, but doesn't create that power.

This whole system seems closed with no apparent way to enter the process and redirect it. For example, cancer might be easier to deal with if it could be cut off from the power that sustains it and gives it strength. And why does that power associate itself with cancer and only, apparently cancer. Also Gavin's suggestion that cancer was evolution needs to be looked at. After all growth is change and evolution is growth, so could the death power be driving cancer which it perceives as some form of evolution? If so that means that some form of mechanism within the DNA is at work, some kind of adapting to the environment mechanism which has been switched on.

So is cancer some form of evolution a process which the death power invigorates? A natural association? If so trying to cut off the death power from the cancer is pointless - it can't be done. The place to look is what starts this process.

More next time...


Wednesday, 26 June 2013

The Personal Higg's Field and Illness

Here's the video...

The Personal Higg's Field and Illness

As said a persons life experiences are stored in their personal field which become inviolate. Once stored those personal experiences, as stored in the field, can't be changed or altered. They become a true testament or archive of the persons life, set in stone.

Another type of experience is also stored in the field, that of illness, which is different from the persons own experiences because the experiences that come from illness aren't inviolate - they can be changed, altered or filtered out. Its at that point that a new healing method may be targeted. Its early days yet and much more needs to be understood about the personal field and the nature of the experiences stored before a new healing method can be considered though.

Its the storing of the power and energy of illness which feeds back into a person strengthening the illness within them. This field, which seems to surround a person, has been a puzzle for many years. Seeing the field and its actions explains why illness, or at least its causes, seem to surround a person. Its because the energy of the condition has been transferred into the personal field. The exception to this is cancer, the energy of which seems to pass in a descending line down through the generations from field to field as well as being passed into the field from the suffer.

Cancer seems to be joined and strengthened by the death energy, which will be looked at next...

Thanks for reading,


Tuesday, 25 June 2013

The Personal Higg's Field and its Content

Here's the video...

The Personal Higg's Field and its Content

The content of the personal Higg's field is the life experiences of the brain that generated it. This is everything, total, real all inclusive experiences with nothing left out. It has all of what we would call the good and the bad. It also includes the strength and power of all the illnesses we have had and may be still experiencing. All the negativity is there reinforcing in us conditions such as depression and fears.

These fields do connect to other fields close by, probably family, and so illness, such as cancer, or at least the power and strength of them, can be passed from field to field so helping the condition to pass down the generations.

What we call the personal self is there as well, or at least the strength and power of it which feeds back and reinforces the individuals ideas of their personal self. The main thing perceived in the personal Higg's field is confusion and this again feeds back into the individual reinforcing confusion in them. The ideas of the personal self can be very contradictory and this may be why so much confusion exists in the individuals personal Higg's field.

The storage of the experience of illness seems different from the other life experiences stored in the field. They seem to have a different, separate power to them and this may be an opening regarding healing methods, as removing them from the Higg's field wouldn't, hopefully, run into any ethical problems.

More in the next blogg...

Thanks for reading, Richard.

Sunday, 23 June 2013

The Personalised Higg's Field

Here's the video...

The Personalised Higg's Field

The Higg's Field, which is now being called the Universal Higg's Field creates and maintains the brain in all humans. The electromagnetic force then takes up residence in the brain and the nervous system and works through it. This arrangement between the two fields will be looked at later.

The Universal Higg's Field doesn't exist in out physical universe so the amount of interaction between it and our physical reality is limited. It receives feedback from our physical universe then shapes that universe according to that feedback. So it gives individual brains the ability to create a more physical version of itself that can work in this physical universe with our brains, and is much more interactive. This field is called the Personal Higg's Field to separate it from the Universal Higg's Field.

This personal field acts, amongst other things, as storage of the individuals life story and experience. Everything a person experiences in life is stored there, like cloud storage, whereas a more static image of those experiences is stored in the brain as memory.

This personal field holds everything as a mirror of that persons life - all the good and all the bad - all the illness and those illness reinforce any active illness that's going on in a person, giving them strength.

This personalised field that holds so much pain and suffering for the individual must be dealt with.

A thought just occurred: is this the ego?

Thanks, as always, for reading,


Monday, 17 June 2013

External Damage to the Body

Here's the video...

External Damage to the Body

The only conclusion with a condition such as Multiple Sclerosis is that its one condition with many causes. Its the only answer that fits what has been perceived and the one that harms women is different from the one that harms men.

This accounts for the discrepancy with more women getting it then men, whereas women get the women's one and men get the men's one.

It the rise of  technological society that brings us more in contact with unnatural energies and environments that have caused these problems to appear and explains why MS is so hard to understand: an illness caused by many, different separate factors, which are energy based and therefore can't be seen, leading to an identical condition.

An effort will be made to develop methods to help people with this condition, but the only real answer is to understand the causes in society and eliminate them.


The Contamination of the Higgs Field

Here's the video...

The Contamination of the Higgs Field

The contamination of the local Higgs Field, which seems to come mainly from insects or insect material, gets into a persons DNA or the program that controls the DNA. This insect material has to be close enough to human so the local Higgs field, once it has taken it within itself, to act upon it. The local Higgs Field will then bring about changes in the brain in accordance with the insect material it contains. It seems to be a form of evolution.

Its this contamination which gives rise to certain types of conditions in the brain ones where the structure of the brain starts to change, as in growths, or the opposite where cells start to disappear. These changes in the brain could lead to related conditions in the body. Once the insect material enters the local Higgs Field it seems to leave the body, so no trace of it can be found. Perhaps this contamination of the local Higgs Field is intentional or perhaps something that's evolved.

Once the local Higgs Fields been contaminated in this way its unclear if it can be cleaned out, but it may be possible to filter out what the local Higgs Field tries to do to the brain.

More will be looked at on this in later blogs...

Thanks for reading...


Saturday, 15 June 2013

The Higgs Field and the Brain Continued

Her'e the video...

The Higgs Field and the Brain Continued

This follows on from the previous blog and carries on looking at the role of the Higgs Field in human existence and its relationship to the creative source. The key point of the video is that when the Higgs field discharges the mass it holds within it into the realm of particles it become empty for a fraction of time, although being empty its in a timeless state, and it becomes the creative source by virtue of the fact that its empty.

While empty it starts to release new shapes and content into mass when its taken back into the Higgs field and that, along with the blueprint which is contained in the mass its absorbing, shapes the next release of mass. The blueprint is the operating principle that organises mass and the new shapes and content give that new shape creativity.

This is a stepping stone type video trying to understand the field that creates material existence and what goes wrong in the field - how it becomes contaminated - which gives rise to certain types of illness with us. We don't catch these illnesses they are created in us due to a contamination in the Higgs field.

So the next video will look at what can be done about this contamination...

Regards, Richard.

Sunday, 9 June 2013

The Higgs Field and the Brain

The video is here...

The Higgs Field and the Brain

Looking at the Higgs field it seems that this organises the matter of the brain and regulates its functions. When there's a problem in the field or a break between it and the principle governing the maintenance of the brain, that's when the troubles start.

The challenge here is to understand more about how the Higgs field works and why, to restore the link between the operating principle of the brain and the field so repair and maintenance can start and to create methods where the field can be used directly to restore health.

The problem here, as said in the video, is why would the field act in a way which damages the body if some harmful principle connected with it? The field seems to be self-regulating having a choice in how it acts. If something got into the field could it be so powerful it overrides the fields ability to choose?

Its complicated. If a harmful program connected to the field causing the field to change the way the brain works, this could cause damage throughout the brain, nervous system and body. Also, how is the connection to the field made? This backs up an earlier idea that connections between the world of matter and form and the forces or interactions of nature are a 2-way street. Fields affect matter and matter affects fields, but the Higgs field seems to be the field closest to matter, in fact it seems to carry all matter within it in a kind of potential state.

More to come...

Thanks for reading,


Saturday, 8 June 2013

Oils and Vitality

Here's the video...

Oils and Vitality

It came as a surprise to see the vitality levels of the person receiving a lot of the Step 3 healing method rise so much, but if vitality comes from the sun and the oils radiate the suns energy, it does follow. This was an unexpected result and one of the joys of healing when such things happen.

So a study of vitality is in order. We seem to have lost a great deal of it relying on food energy to fill the gap, but that's like putting paraffin in a car engine - if it works at all its barely adequate. Vitality, like mind, appears to be made up of the forces or interactions of nature with one of them taking first place and dominating the others. With human vitality its the suns energy or the weak effect that is the major force giving vitality its energetic characteristics and the ability to quickly recharge, but why is it lost?

My friend Gavin said that vitality needs to be open, creative, without limits, so it keeps going forward. What stops this process are expectations which limit the freedom, expression and creativity of human vitality. Vitality, when you think about it, needs to be expressed and is a motivational force in all meaningful, human expression. My gratitude to Gavin for this.

Once vitality starts to fade its very hard to get back without outside help - the healing methods. It seems that vitality is to the body what mind is to the brain. Both are there to further human expression and experiences (another of Gavin's expressions).

In time its hoped that more healing methods are developed which reflect the forces of nature and combat different illness that humans suffer from, and as the forces of nature are strengthened within us through the healing methods, those forces combine and unify to reveal the true human being within. So a person is healed inside and out.

Hope you enjoy reading this...


Oils and Healing With Energy Step 3

The video is here...

Oils and Healing With Energy Step 3

Since doing this video the whole question of vitality has come to mind: what is it and where does it come from? It seems to be the essence of being human and gives us human qualities: interest, curiosity, expression, joy of living and quality of life. Without this dimension that vitality gives us life becomes very mundane, lived at a very low level, and if a whole society or even whole populations lose this vitality, which seems to have happened, it wouldn't be noticed as the low vitality level would be taken as normal.

Vitality, like mind, seems to be made up of the forces of nature, but used in a different way to give human life meaning and expression. It lives in the body. Its different from the energy we get from food which is more of a maintenance energy - chemicals for the body and energy to make the body processes work. Its doubtful if vitality can be classed as an energy - it doesn't look like one - and it wouldn't be if its composed of the forces of nature.

The oils are a powerful way to help restore this vitality when used according to Healing With Energy Step 3. More on this in the next blog...

Thanks for reading,


Friday, 7 June 2013

Development of the Healing Methods June 2013

The video is here...

Development of the Healing Methods June 2013

A working out video looking at the forces or interactions of nature, the use of linseed oil, and new way to use batteries.

The forces or interactions are important as they provide the underlying theme to the healing methods. Gravity and the strong effect need more looking at as they seem like two sides of the same coin - connected in some way. The Higgs field has been added to the list of forces of nature so a method will have to be worked out utilising this effect. The use of earth comes to mind here and its interesting as all life on earth comes from the earth and the earth channels so much of the suns heat and light through the earth to us. The key word regarding the Higgs field is density, which is the hallmark of the earth.

Linseed oil is a new addition to the use of oils in Healing With Energy Step 3. Its a power oil with a neutral spin or imprint so it has very little effect on the body beyond opening blocked channels and contributing to the bodies vitality. The next blog explains this more. Its a nice oil to use with a good energy feel to it.

Another way to use the batteries is shown. As said in the video some of the battery energy can be used by us, but some of it can't. That's because our bodies are unable to assimilate and use some parts of the battery energy. This energy, in order to be acceptable to the body, needs to be humanised for want of a better way of putting it. Placing a small piece of putty over the + contact on a battery then holding it to the skin allows the energy to change to a more human form as it passes through the putty. The putty contains linseed oil so oil is being used here as well. Putty is very similar to the human energy and body condition and two pairs of batteries are used at once.

Using batteries in this way is an early form of the method and hopefully it will be used for pain relief and to speed up recovery, help heal broken bones and mend all kinds of injuries. Its probably not going to become a Step method, as it does not bring fundamental change at a deep level in accordance with one of the five forces or interactions of nature, but it may well be a very useful method to bring help.

More study needs to be done.

Hope you enjoyed the video...


Saturday, 1 June 2013

Mind and Purpose

Here's the video...

Mind and Purpose

The mind and the brain have different motivations. The brain, living in the physical world, the world of matter, has to protect the body and provide essentials such as food, clothing and shelter. All things necessary to survival and these are internal needs - the brain is born with them within its structure. Outwardly the brain is driven by desire which becomes fame, money and looking good while doing it. These are outward things not part of the brains structure but acquired after birth during life. As they are acquired they can be changed, modified even removed by various means - education, society, friends, ect. All of this is from a human point of view. Its not right or wrong, just how it is. The brain is totally for and of the world having a purely materialistic, human view. The institutions and structures it creates are always materialistic.

None of this means anything to the mind, it has no worldly motivation or desire within it, so why does the mind do what it does?

Mind, as said, has attributes working within it and these attributes from a human point of view may be seen as purpose. Each of the 4 fields that make up mind has its own attribute, or purpose, which is part of its structure. It gives the field its character, its direction and makes it do what it does. For example with gravity its inbuilt attribute gives gravity its properties and way of working. The same is true with the other forces or effects.

When these forces or effects combine in a person, under the direction of brain and ego, the attributes or purpose within them combine as well forming one attribute or purpose which is greater than the parts that make it up. Its this that gives mind its purpose and its purpose is to connect with the creative source and to help others achieve the same state of mind so it can join with them, working towards unity and a common purpose.

From the human point of view this process may be seen as something spiritual or religious, but its only the human point of view overlaid by many hopes and fears. The mind itself is driven by this process, the purpose built within it, and sees it as simply the way to do things. Its all according to viewpoint which is neither right or wrong.

Hope this is of interest to you...

Take care, Richard.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Exploring Mind

The video is here...

Exploring Mind

Mind is not fixed. We're not born with a certain amount of mind that stays the same all through life, but rather mind can and does expand, diminish, grow stronger or weaker, change its shape and alters how it works throughout life. We have a mind that's forever changing because the forces or fields that make up mind, and the degree to which they combine, are always changing. The fabric of the mind is always in flux which means its tremendously flexible and adaptable when healthy and whole, but it works very poorly and inefficiently when a person is ill and the fields that compose mind are affected.

This view that mind is fixed and in an unchanging state comes about because for most people it is. The mind has reached such a low level, due to illness affecting the fields that make it up, its unable to respond to changing circumstances and adapt. Its does this by changing its shape when healthy. When ill its unable to change shape so pointing to the fact that so many of us are ill or affected physically which alters the way our minds respond.

The minds ability to change shape is so important to healthy living, because this is the way it adapts to change and responds to challenge. It does it by changing its shape. It also changes its shape in order to probe other areas such as the creative source which it does by extending a probe into it. This probe is counterbalanced by another probe going in the other direction, flattening out the mind giving it the appearance of a straight line.

As healing brings about changes in the body these changes will feed through into the mind allowing it to work and function properly enriching human existence. You only have to give it a chance...

Thanks for reading,


Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Understanding Mind

The video is here...

Understanding Mind

A difficult video to do looking at the relationship between mind, brain and the source of creation. Interesting is the way the new transfers from the source into the mind with no visible link and the way mind changes what it receives in order for brain to understand.

The mind seems to be the major player letting out new forms and ways to the brain at the right time, in the right way when the brain, and by extension the person, is ready for it. Too soon and its either rejected or misunderstood.

The mind is able to tap into the source of the new once the forces or fields that compose it have been regenerated through the different healing methods. So far it seems that the electromagnetic force that makes up mind gives the mind the ability to do things. It turns the not possible into the possible. That's also how it works with the healing methods giving the other forces or fields the ability to do things they couldn't do in its absence.

The weak nuclear effect as embodied by the oils, gives mind the ability to go to other places like the creative source. It is the field of travel and movement.

Gravity is still a puzzle being worked on, but a powerful field. Only a small amount of understanding is needed of such things just to keep a person going. Nothing yet on the strong nuclear effect.

Hope you enjoy the video...


The Developing Mind

The video is here...

The Developing Mind

Through healing you will experience a change of mind. Mind isn't fixed, something we're born with that stays the same all through life. It changes because the fields that make it up change. The fields change due to the damaging effect of illness on them as they pass through the body on their way to the brain. They also can become depleted, so the mind that's made up of these fields works at a lower level, unable to reach or contact higher states, and this low level of working becomes the norm. If everybody in a society is at the same level with their minds, its not realised that the minds operating at a low level.

But then the healing methods come along which, amongst other thing, replenish the 4 fields in the body that make up mind. The 4 fields are, as said before, electromagnetism, the strong & weak nuclear effect & gravity. The mind then regains its true form, structure, vitality and abilities and its these abilities which will be new, or at least new to the person who has this mind, and this mind will be able to connect to higher levels where new things are, or rather the principle of new things are. It will also be able to deal with problem that dwell in the mind.

All this needs to be experienced and understood. Its nothing to worry about, rather an amazing part of being human to experience.

Regards, Richard

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Body Condition and Illness

Here's the video...

Body Condition and Illness

The individual body condition is created by the stresses, strains and distortions within a person, most often caused by illness or the build-up of illness. Powerful mental conditions will also change the body condition, but this state of mind is usually the follow through of illness in the body.

Illness always shows in the body condition, and the perceptive eye and ear can discern a great deal about an illness by studying the body condition, which is always revealing.  Serious conditions always show in the eyes, that's the most revealing place, followed by the condition of the skin, hair, nails, teeth, body temperature, walk, body odour, balance, attitude, energy, stiffness of body, flexibility of mind, emotional and mental state, tone of voice, mannerisms, reaction to challenge, choice of friends - and much more.

To develop insight into the body condition perception needs to be used - that is to observe without any preconception. If possible if somebody has an illness, study them for its characteristics and try to get the feel of it. All illness has its own feel which is a merging of its energy with a persons energy to form the characteristic energy of the condition. Cancer has its own, very powerful energy as does any condition associated with insects, although not as strong. Many conditions have a dark feel to them such as some forms of arthritis, migraine and asthma. As an exercise try to tell which type of arthritis a person has just using perception - osteoarthritis , rheumatoid or something in between. Try also to perceive the differences between injury, say an injured back, and arthritis.

Out of a study of the body condition will come a broader understanding of illness and what causes it and how to deal with it more effectively. Remember, using perception which leads to insight and understanding is the key...


More on Healing With Energy Step 4

The video is here...

More on Healing With Energy Step 4

Metals seem to act differently than other substances. They don't radiate fields like the batteries and oils and seem to be very reluctant to move. It seems like the words aren't there to describe the way they work because they haven't been seen in this way before. Metals appear to be inert having no connection with humans, but we have some of them in our bodies to help them function. Humans give off energies which connect to other humans in a common ground outside our bodies and its the way we relate to each other. Metals don't do that - they give off no energy to relate to, which means they appear to be overlooked, reducing them to the level of tools, but they action they have in the human body, as used in Healing With Energy Step 4, is quite profound.

They  work individually to purge the different systems in us, but they also combine to form a unified effect that passes slowly through the body eliminating all abnormal effects and unnatural vibrations which cause so much change within us. This unified effect coming from the metals acts like a steamroller smoothing out the bumps in life, eliminating the problems they give rise too.

More work and study needs to be done with metals which will probably give rise to a Step 4 Part 2 video. Hope you have enjoyed it all so far...


Allowing Change

The video is here...

Allowing Change

If you have suffered with a chronic condition for many years, letting it go can be difficult. You can't let go of an illness that's been with you for years and stay the same person, as that illness has shaped your life, created your personality and made you what you are. The two have become one, so as the healing methods given on these blogs start to move you to a better life, if they are to work change is inevitable. Of course to a healthy outsider they wont see what the problem is - in their eyes, of course you want to get well, but getting well, giving up all the anger, the fear, resentment even pain, can be a scary thing.

It needn't be. The healing methods will help you regain health, but you have to let them. You can't help the healing methods work or make them work any quicker, everything in its own time, but you can stand in their way and block them. This will happen if you're not ready for change. As said before, of course its easy for others who don't know what you've been through, to say how easy it is, but letting go of the past can be very difficult and its wise to give it some thought. When you're ready change will be so natural you wont even notice it happening and you will become a different person - a whole new you that needs to be explored and understood.



Monday, 20 May 2013

A Study of Carbon

Here's the video...

A Study of Carbon

Looks like the dark energy that's been perceived connected to, or is the underlying condition of, illnesses such as migraine, some forms of arthritis, asthma and cancer - to name a few - is carbon, or more accurately, carbon dioxide. This gas is not an energy or totally physical seeming to be in a borderline state between the two being able to connect or act as an intermediary or medium connecting the two. The problem is carbon dioxide is very programmable as it combines with many elements so it can be controlled and through it matter and energy can be controlled leading to conditions we call illness.

The body seems to hoard carbon dioxide in parts of the body that are under attack in order to neutralise the attack - probably from insects, or substances insects have passed into the body. It changes the atmosphere, something we do when storing grain and fruit to protect it from insects. This gas then combines with environmental pollution in the body to cause some types of arthritis, asthma, migraine and so on, but not cancer. Carbon dioxide combined with some kind of insect material (eggs?) causes cancer as its the combining with the carbon dioxide that gives the insect material power over matter and energy. This is why Healing with Energy Step 1 works on asthma, some types of arthritis, migraine and related conditions because it strips out, or extracts environmental pollution, but it doesn't work on cancer as its unable to strip out the insect material or touch the carbon dioxide.

As the harmful substances are unable to be extracted the approach is to leave them in place, but to neutralise them. This will be Healing with Energy Step 4 using lead, oil, batteries and activated charcoal. Step 4 is also about using metals in many ways to neutralise many conditions and will also combine 3 of the 4 forces or effects in the universe - electromagnetism, gravity and the weak nuclear effect.

This being worked on but before that will be a supplement to Healing with Energy Step 3 which is about oils. After Step 1, Step 2 is about oils (fluids), Step 3 is about the material of the body (solids), and Step 4 is about metals.

Nothing yet on Step 5 - the strong nuclear effect. Any guesses?

Thanks as always,



Monday, 6 May 2013

Brain, mind, self and ego

Mind seems to be a construct or creation of brain and ego. The brain creates mind in order to explore and understand the world of creativity and energy. The energy world is where things can be worked out, in energy, before being transferred over to the physical, real world of brain. The interesting bit is that brain is unable to enter the energy world directly, but it has the ability to construct mind, and self, to allow it to receive the benefits of the energy world - creativity, insight, understanding, perception and so on. Self is another construct in order to express the content that mind has passed over ie a person (self) is creative, insightful, perceptive and so on. Brain seems unwilling or unable to to take the lead and be seen in front preferring to work though its creations.

Understanding mind is an art. As shapes start to appear brain has to interpret and understand what its being show. Mind takes its time revealing its insight slowly in pictures and images, creating images which brain can accept and understand. The images change as brain starts to comprehend becoming more complex. With completely new ideas and concepts mind will just reveal to brain a core image of that concept letting it stay in brain for days as the power and energy of it - its understanding - filters down into brain. The new comes into mind to be understood by brain and expressed by self, but what of ego?

Ego starts off as a creation of self dealing with emotions, feelings and thoughts, but it becomes independent of self living its own life. It then works with brain to create mind as ego is energy whereas brain isn't and brain needs the energy manipulating abilities of ego to create mind. Self can't do it as self is essentially passive energy which isn't authoritative enough to create mind - the aggressive energy of ego is need for that. Ego becomes independent after a while due to its self renewing capacity - it generates its own energy internally through the friction of conflict. Being in conflict, adversarial, makes it feel alive, but its only a pseudo life not real, made up of dead energy. Its stands outside life and connects to other egos networking. Its this connecting that gives it its strength.

The trick is to listen to mind more and balance the different parts of mind, brain, self and ego. Only then can the individual be truly creative and express that creativity which is the point of life and being human.


Sunday, 5 May 2013

Factors in multiple sclerosis

Factors perceived so far are: insect material that gets into the body, brewers yeast and vinegar. In women an extra contributing factor that aggravates the condition is skin or hand cream. There is also a very corrosive energy given off by high tension power lines - the cables between electricity pylons - which has a harmful effect on the human brain and nervous system and could be a factor in MS. More of this energy is released when its raining. Rust is a factor as well in this energy being released. This needs a closer look.

Insect material: This flying insects spread on grasslands to act as beacons in living creatures. The grass, cellulose, is important as the transport mechanism. It then passes into grazing animals, mostly cows, then into people as dairy products. Heat doesn't kill this material and it has no life span - it just goes on and on.  Movement starts it vibrating, ie in the blood, or when it becomes warm, ie body heat. Once vibrating it acts like a beacon for insects, insect energy and other energies too apparently, so the creature or person is tagged. It spreads around the body near the surface acting as a locator for flying insects. For some reason insects want to be able to locate mobile creatures, building up an information network.

Next is brewers yeast and vinegar which come from many sources but the worst is malted bread because that combines the two. Vinegar isn't quite right - acetic acid's a better term. 

The insect material acting like a beacon allows the energy of the brewers yeast to locate it. The brewers yeast consumes the insect energy - something it developed in the wild - and it carries on doing so in the body. The yeast isn't alive, not really, but it has strong survival instincts and it has some kind of symbiotic relationship with the vinegar or acetic acid. The acid acts as a stimulant in small amounts giving the yeast drive or movement.

The brewers yeast consumes the insect material.The damage caused to the energy communication system which surrounds the nervous system, by the energy of skin cream - amongst other things - allows the energy of the brewers yeast through to the nervous system. The energy surrounding the nervous system acts as a defence to harmful energy and damage to it will let the energy in to the nervous system where it can spread. This surrounding energy is in place as once the harmful energy is in the nervous system it will spread throughout the body.

The energy of the vinegar burns through the myelin sheath allowing the energy of the brewers yeast to pour into the nervous system like a waterfall. Once in the yeast energy spreads throughout the nervous system changing the body condition to resemble that of the yeast energy - no barriers within it, expanding in all directions at once. The body takes on this condition which is recognised as the conditions of MS. The burn through of the myelin sheaths is secondary to the yeast energy getting into the nervous system - the main problem -  and its this energy that needs to be flushed out. 

Both affect men and women equally, but the use of hand or skin cream mostly by women make things worse. This is due to the skin cream energy helping to break down and disrupt the energy that surrounds and protects the nerves.

Healing With Energy Step 3 appears to drive out this flying insect energy so hopefully things don't get any worse and stopping using hand cream and consuming brewers yeast and vinegar in any form will help. The insect energy from crawling insects which goes much deeper hopefully will be dealt with by Step 4. 

Their are many different insect energies and their different nature gives rise to different conditions, which we call illness, in a person. These energies are not illness energies, but the illness is a reflection of the insect energy working. The insect energy of a nest building insect will try to create a nest using the material around it. This produces the lumps called tumours. This is the action of insects that live underground.

Thanks for reading...


Can energy damage the body directly?

So far its been perceived that energy effects the body in many different ways. Environmental pollution gets into the program that controls how the DNA works. Energy from insect bites and toxic bacteria stops the immune system from working properly. Something damages the outer conduit of the energy communication system which may well lead to motor neurone disease, but this is all indirect damage - energy damaging energy or changing the way the energy works, but can adverse or harmful energy cause direct damage such as the brain as in parkingson's disease and the myelin sheaths as in multiple sclerosis?

It seems it must do but the link hasn't been perceived yet. The damage is done deep down where energy, which doesn't register on a meter like electricity, but can be affected by material force or substance, meets matter in the body which is very close to being energy. An example of such a material would be petrol which is just over the line between matter and energy. There must be similar substances in the body which can be seen as matter but are mostly energy and can therefore be damaged directly by energies that are material enough. This would be the brain cells and the myelin sheaths as mentioned above. It has to be this way as how else can the damage be done? And what's doing it?

It seems clear that the damage caused to the body is a side effect of the harming energy. It has no desire , intention or need to cause this harm. It doesn't act in a malicious way, but its a side effect of its nature. For instance an acid type energy would burn through the myelin sheaths and a different energy would damage the brain cells. The burn through of the myelin sheaths seems to be an aspect of acid energy, say vinegar or acetic acid whereas the damage to the brain cells seems to have more of a clearing action, like something is trying to make room for something else. This would be the action of some kind of insect material or energy.

Also unclear is how these energies make the long journey from the outside world to certain spots or sites in the body. And why does the burn through only happen with the myelin and not elsewhere. Something carries this energy to the site of the damage a carrier energy. Have to look closer at this...


Sunday, 21 April 2013

Groundwork for Step 4

Here's the video...

Groundwork for Step 4

Putting some thoughts together trying to move the understanding for Step 4 forwards. Strangely enough Step 4 has already been worked out, its a deeper understanding of the background that's needed.

The main feature of Step 4 is using the energy of the metal lead and the bringing together of 3 of the 4 forces or effects blogged about before. The lead smooths out all unnatural vibrations in the body from stress, to illness caused by them, to gravity focusing in the bones damaging cartilage. Its surprising how much unnatural vibration's in people and how much harm and damage it causes.

Unnatural vibration's anything that comes from outside and is artificial. Its most powerful and harmful when it enters a person through touch and direct contact. These vibrations can come from sitting in cars, dentists drills and hand held power tools to electric shavers and toothbrushes, and its interesting that the tremor seen in illness such as parkinson's disease might be seen as a form of vibration. Humans have a natural vibrational energy that can not be touched by any outside force or effect, so this method will not harm, interfere are calm any vibration that's natural to the body. This vibrational force in humans may well be a 5th force or effect to add to the other 4.

Multiple sclerosis seems to have brewers yeast as a major factor, the body condition shows that, and when looking at a person its a disease of their left. Parkinson's disease appears to have insect energy as a major factor, the body condition is one of insects in flight having just left the nest. This indicates the causal energy is insect eggs like ants lay carried to the brain on a flow of vibrational energy. Parkinson's is a disease of the right and affects more men that women apparently. Why is not yet clear.

As always thanks for reading and viewing...


Saturday, 20 April 2013

Developing perception Part 3

Here's the video...

Developing Perception Part 3

Gives some more ideas in developing perception and related matters. Finding out how the mind works, and allowing it to work in its own way takes time and the mental discipline not to interfere with that process. With most of us living full time in the world of the brain, which is necessary to live in and relate to the physical world, it takes discipline to switch to a different way of seeing, or perceiving and not to interfere with it. Switching is done by allowing the brain to go quiet, not through an act of will as will is the brain still active.

In the world of mind along with perception is insight, realisation, understanding and creativity. Creativity comes when the mind becomes aware of the information its received and acts upon it with a creative insight. The mind is alive and connects to living energies in others and in itself - everywhere it makes a connection - gaining understanding - from which flows creative insight, mediated by intelligence. Awareness exists of this process but no recognition, as that would be the world of the brain. This whole process of the mind in action has a meditative quality about it.

The results of all this filter through to the world of the brain which is then guided by it in how it works in the world. Without this guidance the brain will usually act in a harmful way basing its actions on personal pleasure. Creativity will also be lost, the brain relying on the extension of what's already known to go forward. There's nothing spiritual or mystical about all this its simply allowing the mind to work and then for it to come into balance with the brain.

See how these development blogs work for you and more might be posted depending on any feedback...

As always, thanks for reading :)


Friday, 19 April 2013

Developing Perception Part 2

Here's the video...

Developing Perception Part 2

This video takes the ideas forward a bit on the development of perception, It takes time for results to start to come and its the mind that's used, not the brain. Its through perception the mind gathers information about and understands the world of energy and passes that understanding on to the brain to act on.

Its hoped that some people through trying the healing methods will gain a perceptive insight into how and why they work and also start to see what happens to a person's energy when ill. They will then be in a position to modify the healing methods according to their own insights.

Of course the perceptive mind can be used for any situation, not just healing. It can bring greater understanding to relationships and oneself and there is great joy and wonder in realisation, something that is there for us all.


Developing Perception

Video is here...

Developing Perception

Talks in general terms about how to start to develop and understand perception and energy and how that relates to healing. Perception is a part of us that's rarely used and developed and its important in life to balance the mind and brain.

The brain, thought and intellect are all physical, arising from the physical - the brain - to work in, and relate to the physical world and nobody would deny its needed, but to be creative, to have insight, to gain perception, these are qualities of the mind which only come about when the brain, and its thought/intellectual activity has switched off. The two don't work at the same time, for the mind to work freely it has to be free of the brain wanting to jump in and take over. Insight and understanding come to the mind when the brains thoughts are quiet then  understanding is passed to the brain where it can be implemented in the physical world. The mind acts as a guide to the brain and its thoughts.

Mostly this doesn't happen. The brain works on its own not receiving the deep insight and understanding of a situation that comes from the mind. Only the mind can perceive energy, the world of energy, how it works and what to do when it goes wrong. So many illness start with damage, congestion or harm being caused to the energy systems of our bodies. Insect energy infests us and we are oblivious to it. Damage to our energy systems filter through and cause damage to our physical bodies. As above, so below as the saying goes. Without developing the perception needed to understand what's happening we will constantly be blind sided by this, and illness will develop for no apparent physical cause.

When the brain works on its own, independent of the mind then all it has is seeing and only the physical can be examined and understood. The eyes see, the mind perceives and its hoped that some will develop perception and start to understand the world of energy more which this video, and others to come, will help with.



Thursday, 18 April 2013

More on Insects

The video is here...

More on Insects

This follows on from the last blog talking about damage done to the energy communication channel. There's so much information that its been broken down into a general overview - this video - and follow up videos will be posted going into more detail and specific illnesses.

We have a huge amount of insect energy in us - its quite surprising how much and all the different ways this energy combines with other things, sometimes energy or physical or both, to produce what we call illness. Sometimes the illness is simply a by product of the action of these combined energies.

It was a pleasant surprise to see that Healing With Energy Step 3 pushes out all this insect energy in addition to all the other benefits Step 3 brings.

Onwards now to Step 4 which starts to combine the forces or effects that are being worked with, with these healing methods. The main goal of Step 4 is to rebalance the gravity of the body, especially in the bones.

The next blog and video though will be another general video talking about how a person can make a start on their own perception development and to enter the world of energy.

Thanks for reading, and viewing!...


Monday, 15 April 2013

Thursday, 11 April 2013


Looks like a study of bones is next on this aspect of healing, specifically what part do they play and what effect do the vibrations they produce have on health? And what makes them vibrate?

The vibrations can be seen as a flow of information from the bones to the bone marrow. Its only the forearm bones that vibrate which makes sense as the bone marrow and the bones connect and trade information only in the forearms, but the whole skeleton collects information about the body which arrives in the forearms where its transmitted into the bone marrow through induction.

The arms are like 2 prongs of a tuning fork that vibrate when a pulse of energy passes through them. This energy pulse comes from the brain and mind working together. The process is:

the brain wants information regarding the state of the body so it can make any adjustments that are needed. The mind understanding this sends a pulse of energy out through the body setting the bones of the forearms vibrating like a tuning fork. Information which is in the forearms about the condition of the body which has been collected by the skeleton start to vibrate setting up a corresponding vibration through induction in the immune system, in effect orders, and in the energy communication channel, in effect information, which passes through the channel into the brain. The brain receiving what it wants - information as to the condition of the body - carries out the necessary adjustments in the body to maintain health. The nervous systems involved in this but will be looked at in another blog.

The information (energy) received, once processed is no longer needed and is passed into the fluid surrounding the brain. Its not used by the brain to bring about changes in the body which is a different energy process. Waste energy can only be discharged into the fluid surrounding the brain when that fluid contains the energy of silicone, which should have been restored using the Step 2 method. Without silicone energy in the brain fluid the waste energy will build up in the brain cells causing a distortion of the cells, a major factor in dementia, and the flow of information into the brain will stop. The breakdown of this process leads to confusion in a person, but like so many problems caused by energy can be remedied as energy problems aren't permanent. The discharge of waste energy into the brain fluid, from where its passed out of the body, leads to a kind of syphon effect in the energy communication channel which is what moves the energy within it. So many energy process in the body move through a syphon action.

When the energy communication channel becomes blighted this process is blocked or damaged. What does it and the consequences of this will be looked at next...

Best wishes :)


The Bone Marrow of the Forearms

This is becoming more and more important to the healing methods and needs a deeper look. The bone marrow here in the forearms is a distribution centre to the entire body through the Energy Communication Channel just blogged about. The immune system, or the energy side of the immune system, works through the bone marrow to place information into the energy communication channel so it can get to the brain, whereupon the brain acts upon it. Brain cells seem secondary to bone marrow cells as the brain cells act in accordance with information received from the bone marrow. Also the immune system doesn't work directly with the brain but through the bone marrow and all 3 healing methods, so far, have used the inside of the forearms, helping the bone marrow to recover. The hands, our major extensions into the physical world, also feed much information directly into the forearm bone marrow.

Vibrations as information that work through the immune system and go into the energy communication channel, arise from bone which contain crystals and minerals able to produce vibrations (information), that enter the bone marrow where they are changed (modulated) depending on what part of the body receives them - ie. immune system, body, brain. It would explain why bone marrow is located inside the bones, but what makes the crystal/mineral structure of the bones vibrate?

Its seems clear that all methods of this phase are focused on the bone marrow, in accordance with the 4 known forces or effects, so the immune system can be restored and put in order. While a fully functional immune system will deal with a lot of disease and illness, more methods will need to be worked out for specific chronic conditions that are too well entrenched for the immune system to heal by itself - ie. multiple sclerosis, parkinson's disease, motor neurone disease, cystic fibrosis and cancer to name a few.

If you're following this, thanks for reading...


Wednesday, 10 April 2013

The Energy Communication Channel

Healing With Energy Step 3, like Step 2, is very adaptive and can be altered to suit the condition of the person receiving it. This is done by the choice of oils used. As time goes on and different oils are used, more will be discovered about their healing effects, but for now some oils will always be used. For instance flax oil seems to be a repair oil to the energy channel, the surface of which appears to have been damaged by some spore or blight similar to what attacks trees and plants.

Coconut oil is very good at flushing out the energy of decay that accumulates in the communication channel and a person as well. Decay energy is a factor in many things including tooth decay, dementia and arthritis. Step 3 works to repair the communication channel that exists between the bone marrow of the forearms and the brain. Once this channel breaks down or becomes blocked the energy it carries stagnates in the brain cells - a factor in dementia - and general decay in the body. The energy of silicone also has to be in the fluid surrounding the brain, as the brain discharges waste energy, and waste matter, into this fluid which it can only do if the fluid contains the energy of silicone. This is something using silicone in Step 2 will put right.

Walnut oil is also used to help brain functions. The energy from these oils also works through the body. Small amounts of aspirin are added to the liquid oils which accelerates the energy within the communication channel getting it moving again. Only small amounts of oil are used, 2 drops of each in cotton wool, which is taped to the skin.

The communication channel carries information from the bone marrow, that the immune system has collected, to the brain where the brain acts on it. This channel looks like an energy counterpart of the nervous system and it could be that the nervous system is encased by this channel. It would make sense to have all the channels of communication together, and with information in the energy communication channel passing directly into the nervous system perhaps through induction.

The perceptive mind sees energy in all its different states but it doesn't see matter, for instance the organs and the nervous system - that's what the eyes are for.

As said, damage to the channel appears to be caused by some form of blight caused by spores, like plants and trees get, eating into the surface of the channel causing disruption to the information carried within it. This looks very similar to the damage done to the myelin sheaths that people with MS have. Perhaps they're connected.

The bone marrow of the forearms needs a closer look and that will be next...



Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Matter and Energy

Beginning a series of exploratory blogs to work out the problems Healing With Energy Step 4 needs to  deal with.

Matter and energy seem interlinked along with the electromagnetic force or effect which appears to be the force which oversees the way matter is organised, and in particular, our bodies. This seems to be the controlling force. Once organised the weak nuclear effect holds it in place - for want of a better way of putting it.  The other 2 forces don't seem to appear here. Gravity being concerned with the mind, conciousness and mental processes. Haven't got to the strong nuclear effect yet.

Our bodies are effectively walking batteries creating is own electromagnetic field which, as said, oversees the way the body, matter, is organised. Once the material of the body is damaged, as with a virus, the bodies own electromagnetic field is too weak to repair the damage - that's what Healing With Energy Step 2 does. Step 2 uses batteries to create a much stronger EM field which can do what the bodies EM field can't do.

The energy of the matter that will go on to make up the body passes its energy through the bodies EM field where its processed, added to and returned to the matter. What it adds is its own energy signature which is the frequency the body vibrates at. This makes the material of the body vibrate as one and is done to all future intakes of matter, that is food, to make it compatible to the body. This is a similar but different process to what's done to food as it passes through the wind pipe. See the Healing With Energy blog on this here...

Immune System Energy

Now matter is a reflection of energy which means that all the attributes that individual particles have come from the energy of that particle. The matter has those attributes which come from the energy which means that the energy has those same attributes and has them in its energy state independent of matter. This is an important point for the next blog. So if matter comes together becoming more complex and organised, its because that principle is contained in the energy that's associated with it and the matter is following that principle. In other words the energy controls what the matter does and passing through the bodies EM field allows that matter to become part of the body without any immune system problems.

The way the EM field works is very interesting. As said it oversees the way the material of the body is put together - its shape - and then allows fresh material - food - to join with the existing body. It does this in a very cooperative way with the material involved, no force is involved and the EM field seems to act in an intelligent way with purpose. This all works ok until something hostile with great power and energy gets into the bodies EM field.

So the ground work's now laid for the next blog...

Many thanks,


Sunday, 7 April 2013

The Healing Way youtube videos

Here are the youtube videos talking more about different aspects of the healing methods...

First Steps - talks about how the healing methods started.

Healing Fields Part 1 - more on the healing fields.

Healing Fields Part 2 - carries on exploring the healing fields.

Development of Healing With Energy Step 3 - might be of interest to people to see a methods in development.

Hello and Welcome:)

Hello welcome to The Healing Way where blogs will be posted relating to all aspects of the healing methods that have been developed over the last 20 years. This will give me a chance to explain and explore further the healing methods for those who are interested. The methods will be demonstrated on youtube on my Healing With Energy channel and blogged about on blogger again as Healing With Energy.

The demonstrations have been posted separately so people who just want the healing methods can find them easily, giving me a chance to develop the ideas more here.

The healing methods are free to use, but you will have to supply your own materials. Also please note I'm not a doctor/physician/scientist or therapist and you use the healing methods entirely at your own risk.

I am a private individual working out out my interest in healing by developing methods to help people suffering mostly with long term, chronic conditions. I don't work for a company, do this for a living, or have any financial interest in any of the products shown.

The methods are set out as Step 1, Step 2 and so on. Please start at Step 1 and work your way through to get the full benefit should you choose to do so, and its hoped you do.

Take your time and consider each step as you go,

Many thanks for reading this,
