Here's the video...
The Personal Higg's Field and Illness
As said a persons life experiences are stored in their personal field which become inviolate. Once stored those personal experiences, as stored in the field, can't be changed or altered. They become a true testament or archive of the persons life, set in stone.
Another type of experience is also stored in the field, that of illness, which is different from the persons own experiences because the experiences that come from illness aren't inviolate - they can be changed, altered or filtered out. Its at that point that a new healing method may be targeted. Its early days yet and much more needs to be understood about the personal field and the nature of the experiences stored before a new healing method can be considered though.
Its the storing of the power and energy of illness which feeds back into a person strengthening the illness within them. This field, which seems to surround a person, has been a puzzle for many years. Seeing the field and its actions explains why illness, or at least its causes, seem to surround a person. Its because the energy of the condition has been transferred into the personal field. The exception to this is cancer, the energy of which seems to pass in a descending line down through the generations from field to field as well as being passed into the field from the suffer.
Cancer seems to be joined and strengthened by the death energy, which will be looked at next...
Thanks for reading,
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