Sunday, 7 July 2013

The Personal Higg's Field and the Death Power

Here's the video...

The Personal Higg's Field and the Death Power

These fields and how they interact with each other's very interesting. The personal Higg's field not only acts as a storage area or archive of a persona life, but is also a means by which the body and the life of a person is restored. Energy and power from direct line ancestors also flows into the personal Higg's field of a living descendent where the field can use this power and energy to restore the life of the person its connected to. This must be the reason why the personal Higg's field connects to blood relatives. The power and energy has to be compatible enough for it to be used for restoration.

The death power also seems to have become contaminated, or overloaded, with the power of horrific death. The death of people in agony. This seems to flow into the individuals personal Higg's field where it passes down through the blood generations. The death power would normally be a regenerative power, bringing invigoration, but this has changed so the death power now communicates disease within it. The death power always seems to associate itself with cancer and clears up a mystery: why cancer has power beyond what the human body has, but doesn't create that power.

This whole system seems closed with no apparent way to enter the process and redirect it. For example, cancer might be easier to deal with if it could be cut off from the power that sustains it and gives it strength. And why does that power associate itself with cancer and only, apparently cancer. Also Gavin's suggestion that cancer was evolution needs to be looked at. After all growth is change and evolution is growth, so could the death power be driving cancer which it perceives as some form of evolution? If so that means that some form of mechanism within the DNA is at work, some kind of adapting to the environment mechanism which has been switched on.

So is cancer some form of evolution a process which the death power invigorates? A natural association? If so trying to cut off the death power from the cancer is pointless - it can't be done. The place to look is what starts this process.

More next time...


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