Tuesday, 25 June 2013

The Personal Higg's Field and its Content

Here's the video...

The Personal Higg's Field and its Content

The content of the personal Higg's field is the life experiences of the brain that generated it. This is everything, total, real all inclusive experiences with nothing left out. It has all of what we would call the good and the bad. It also includes the strength and power of all the illnesses we have had and may be still experiencing. All the negativity is there reinforcing in us conditions such as depression and fears.

These fields do connect to other fields close by, probably family, and so illness, such as cancer, or at least the power and strength of them, can be passed from field to field so helping the condition to pass down the generations.

What we call the personal self is there as well, or at least the strength and power of it which feeds back and reinforces the individuals ideas of their personal self. The main thing perceived in the personal Higg's field is confusion and this again feeds back into the individual reinforcing confusion in them. The ideas of the personal self can be very contradictory and this may be why so much confusion exists in the individuals personal Higg's field.

The storage of the experience of illness seems different from the other life experiences stored in the field. They seem to have a different, separate power to them and this may be an opening regarding healing methods, as removing them from the Higg's field wouldn't, hopefully, run into any ethical problems.

More in the next blogg...

Thanks for reading, Richard.

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