Here's the video...
Life Force and Cells
Life Force comes from the sun and enters the cells of living things where its adapted and transformed into Life Energy. This is on a different level from the vitality we receive from sun light, heat and radiation. Its a different force, the giver of life to certain cells, also giving rise to the strong nuclear interaction. The working of cells, how they interact with each other and many connected things needs a deeper look.
Something interferes with the Life Force between its journey from the sun to the cells, contaminating it. It picks up this contamination as it passes through atmosphere and its unclear what this contamination is, but its of the same order as the Life Force, that is, like Life Force its only partly in this physical universe. The connection between the Life Force and the cells seems always on, that is they are always connected, and instantaneous, that is not limited to light speeds in this physical universe.
Contamination enters the cells piggy backing the Life Force where the cells process it into Life Energy which is released into the body. This whole process needs more, very deep investigation.
More to come...
Best wishes,
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