Healing With Energy Step 3, like Step 2, is very adaptive and can be altered to suit the condition of the person receiving it. This is done by the choice of oils used. As time goes on and different oils are used, more will be discovered about their healing effects, but for now some oils will always be used. For instance flax oil seems to be a repair oil to the energy channel, the surface of which appears to have been damaged by some spore or blight similar to what attacks trees and plants.
Coconut oil is very good at flushing out the energy of decay that accumulates in the communication channel and a person as well. Decay energy is a factor in many things including tooth decay, dementia and arthritis. Step 3 works to repair the communication channel that exists between the bone marrow of the forearms and the brain. Once this channel breaks down or becomes blocked the energy it carries stagnates in the brain cells - a factor in dementia - and general decay in the body. The energy of silicone also has to be in the fluid surrounding the brain, as the brain discharges waste energy, and waste matter, into this fluid which it can only do if the fluid contains the energy of silicone. This is something using silicone in Step 2 will put right.
Walnut oil is also used to help brain functions. The energy from these oils also works through the body. Small amounts of aspirin are added to the liquid oils which accelerates the energy within the communication channel getting it moving again. Only small amounts of oil are used, 2 drops of each in cotton wool, which is taped to the skin.
The communication channel carries information from the bone marrow, that the immune system has collected, to the brain where the brain acts on it. This channel looks like an energy counterpart of the nervous system and it could be that the nervous system is encased by this channel. It would make sense to have all the channels of communication together, and with information in the energy communication channel passing directly into the nervous system perhaps through induction.
The perceptive mind sees energy in all its different states but it doesn't see matter, for instance the organs and the nervous system - that's what the eyes are for.
As said, damage to the channel appears to be caused by some form of blight caused by spores, like plants and trees get, eating into the surface of the channel causing disruption to the information carried within it. This looks very similar to the damage done to the myelin sheaths that people with MS have. Perhaps they're connected.
The bone marrow of the forearms needs a closer look and that will be next...
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