Monday, 6 May 2013

Brain, mind, self and ego

Mind seems to be a construct or creation of brain and ego. The brain creates mind in order to explore and understand the world of creativity and energy. The energy world is where things can be worked out, in energy, before being transferred over to the physical, real world of brain. The interesting bit is that brain is unable to enter the energy world directly, but it has the ability to construct mind, and self, to allow it to receive the benefits of the energy world - creativity, insight, understanding, perception and so on. Self is another construct in order to express the content that mind has passed over ie a person (self) is creative, insightful, perceptive and so on. Brain seems unwilling or unable to to take the lead and be seen in front preferring to work though its creations.

Understanding mind is an art. As shapes start to appear brain has to interpret and understand what its being show. Mind takes its time revealing its insight slowly in pictures and images, creating images which brain can accept and understand. The images change as brain starts to comprehend becoming more complex. With completely new ideas and concepts mind will just reveal to brain a core image of that concept letting it stay in brain for days as the power and energy of it - its understanding - filters down into brain. The new comes into mind to be understood by brain and expressed by self, but what of ego?

Ego starts off as a creation of self dealing with emotions, feelings and thoughts, but it becomes independent of self living its own life. It then works with brain to create mind as ego is energy whereas brain isn't and brain needs the energy manipulating abilities of ego to create mind. Self can't do it as self is essentially passive energy which isn't authoritative enough to create mind - the aggressive energy of ego is need for that. Ego becomes independent after a while due to its self renewing capacity - it generates its own energy internally through the friction of conflict. Being in conflict, adversarial, makes it feel alive, but its only a pseudo life not real, made up of dead energy. Its stands outside life and connects to other egos networking. Its this connecting that gives it its strength.

The trick is to listen to mind more and balance the different parts of mind, brain, self and ego. Only then can the individual be truly creative and express that creativity which is the point of life and being human.


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