Monday, 17 June 2013

The Contamination of the Higgs Field

Here's the video...

The Contamination of the Higgs Field

The contamination of the local Higgs Field, which seems to come mainly from insects or insect material, gets into a persons DNA or the program that controls the DNA. This insect material has to be close enough to human so the local Higgs field, once it has taken it within itself, to act upon it. The local Higgs Field will then bring about changes in the brain in accordance with the insect material it contains. It seems to be a form of evolution.

Its this contamination which gives rise to certain types of conditions in the brain ones where the structure of the brain starts to change, as in growths, or the opposite where cells start to disappear. These changes in the brain could lead to related conditions in the body. Once the insect material enters the local Higgs Field it seems to leave the body, so no trace of it can be found. Perhaps this contamination of the local Higgs Field is intentional or perhaps something that's evolved.

Once the local Higgs Fields been contaminated in this way its unclear if it can be cleaned out, but it may be possible to filter out what the local Higgs Field tries to do to the brain.

More will be looked at on this in later blogs...

Thanks for reading...


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