Saturday, 1 June 2013

Mind and Purpose

Here's the video...

Mind and Purpose

The mind and the brain have different motivations. The brain, living in the physical world, the world of matter, has to protect the body and provide essentials such as food, clothing and shelter. All things necessary to survival and these are internal needs - the brain is born with them within its structure. Outwardly the brain is driven by desire which becomes fame, money and looking good while doing it. These are outward things not part of the brains structure but acquired after birth during life. As they are acquired they can be changed, modified even removed by various means - education, society, friends, ect. All of this is from a human point of view. Its not right or wrong, just how it is. The brain is totally for and of the world having a purely materialistic, human view. The institutions and structures it creates are always materialistic.

None of this means anything to the mind, it has no worldly motivation or desire within it, so why does the mind do what it does?

Mind, as said, has attributes working within it and these attributes from a human point of view may be seen as purpose. Each of the 4 fields that make up mind has its own attribute, or purpose, which is part of its structure. It gives the field its character, its direction and makes it do what it does. For example with gravity its inbuilt attribute gives gravity its properties and way of working. The same is true with the other forces or effects.

When these forces or effects combine in a person, under the direction of brain and ego, the attributes or purpose within them combine as well forming one attribute or purpose which is greater than the parts that make it up. Its this that gives mind its purpose and its purpose is to connect with the creative source and to help others achieve the same state of mind so it can join with them, working towards unity and a common purpose.

From the human point of view this process may be seen as something spiritual or religious, but its only the human point of view overlaid by many hopes and fears. The mind itself is driven by this process, the purpose built within it, and sees it as simply the way to do things. Its all according to viewpoint which is neither right or wrong.

Hope this is of interest to you...

Take care, Richard.

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