Here's the video...
Body Condition and Illness
The individual body condition is created by the stresses, strains and distortions within a person, most often caused by illness or the build-up of illness. Powerful mental conditions will also change the body condition, but this state of mind is usually the follow through of illness in the body.
Illness always shows in the body condition, and the perceptive eye and ear can discern a great deal about an illness by studying the body condition, which is always revealing. Serious conditions always show in the eyes, that's the most revealing place, followed by the condition of the skin, hair, nails, teeth, body temperature, walk, body odour, balance, attitude, energy, stiffness of body, flexibility of mind, emotional and mental state, tone of voice, mannerisms, reaction to challenge, choice of friends - and much more.
To develop insight into the body condition perception needs to be used - that is to observe without any preconception. If possible if somebody has an illness, study them for its characteristics and try to get the feel of it. All illness has its own feel which is a merging of its energy with a persons energy to form the characteristic energy of the condition. Cancer has its own, very powerful energy as does any condition associated with insects, although not as strong. Many conditions have a dark feel to them such as some forms of arthritis, migraine and asthma. As an exercise try to tell which type of arthritis a person has just using perception - osteoarthritis , rheumatoid or something in between. Try also to perceive the differences between injury, say an injured back, and arthritis.
Out of a study of the body condition will come a broader understanding of illness and what causes it and how to deal with it more effectively. Remember, using perception which leads to insight and understanding is the key...
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