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More on Healing With Energy Step 4
Metals seem to act differently than other substances. They don't radiate fields like the batteries and oils and seem to be very reluctant to move. It seems like the words aren't there to describe the way they work because they haven't been seen in this way before. Metals appear to be inert having no connection with humans, but we have some of them in our bodies to help them function. Humans give off energies which connect to other humans in a common ground outside our bodies and its the way we relate to each other. Metals don't do that - they give off no energy to relate to, which means they appear to be overlooked, reducing them to the level of tools, but they action they have in the human body, as used in Healing With Energy Step 4, is quite profound.
They work individually to purge the different systems in us, but they also combine to form a unified effect that passes slowly through the body eliminating all abnormal effects and unnatural vibrations which cause so much change within us. This unified effect coming from the metals acts like a steamroller smoothing out the bumps in life, eliminating the problems they give rise too.
More work and study needs to be done with metals which will probably give rise to a Step 4 Part 2 video. Hope you have enjoyed it all so far...
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