Here's the video...
The Personal Higg's Field and Illness
As said a persons life experiences are stored in their personal field which become inviolate. Once stored those personal experiences, as stored in the field, can't be changed or altered. They become a true testament or archive of the persons life, set in stone.
Another type of experience is also stored in the field, that of illness, which is different from the persons own experiences because the experiences that come from illness aren't inviolate - they can be changed, altered or filtered out. Its at that point that a new healing method may be targeted. Its early days yet and much more needs to be understood about the personal field and the nature of the experiences stored before a new healing method can be considered though.
Its the storing of the power and energy of illness which feeds back into a person strengthening the illness within them. This field, which seems to surround a person, has been a puzzle for many years. Seeing the field and its actions explains why illness, or at least its causes, seem to surround a person. Its because the energy of the condition has been transferred into the personal field. The exception to this is cancer, the energy of which seems to pass in a descending line down through the generations from field to field as well as being passed into the field from the suffer.
Cancer seems to be joined and strengthened by the death energy, which will be looked at next...
Thanks for reading,
Hello and welcome to The Healing Way where blogs will be posted explaining further all aspects of my healing methods that have been worked out over the last 20 years. For the sake of simplicity and ease of access the healing methods are blogged about on Healing With Energy here and demonstrated on youtube. The methods are free to try, but you will have to supply the materials used. Please note I'm not a doctor and you use the methods at your own risk. Thanks, Richard
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
The Personal Higg's Field and its Content
Here's the video...
The Personal Higg's Field and its Content
The content of the personal Higg's field is the life experiences of the brain that generated it. This is everything, total, real all inclusive experiences with nothing left out. It has all of what we would call the good and the bad. It also includes the strength and power of all the illnesses we have had and may be still experiencing. All the negativity is there reinforcing in us conditions such as depression and fears.
These fields do connect to other fields close by, probably family, and so illness, such as cancer, or at least the power and strength of them, can be passed from field to field so helping the condition to pass down the generations.
What we call the personal self is there as well, or at least the strength and power of it which feeds back and reinforces the individuals ideas of their personal self. The main thing perceived in the personal Higg's field is confusion and this again feeds back into the individual reinforcing confusion in them. The ideas of the personal self can be very contradictory and this may be why so much confusion exists in the individuals personal Higg's field.
The storage of the experience of illness seems different from the other life experiences stored in the field. They seem to have a different, separate power to them and this may be an opening regarding healing methods, as removing them from the Higg's field wouldn't, hopefully, run into any ethical problems.
More in the next blogg...
Thanks for reading, Richard.
The Personal Higg's Field and its Content
The content of the personal Higg's field is the life experiences of the brain that generated it. This is everything, total, real all inclusive experiences with nothing left out. It has all of what we would call the good and the bad. It also includes the strength and power of all the illnesses we have had and may be still experiencing. All the negativity is there reinforcing in us conditions such as depression and fears.
These fields do connect to other fields close by, probably family, and so illness, such as cancer, or at least the power and strength of them, can be passed from field to field so helping the condition to pass down the generations.
What we call the personal self is there as well, or at least the strength and power of it which feeds back and reinforces the individuals ideas of their personal self. The main thing perceived in the personal Higg's field is confusion and this again feeds back into the individual reinforcing confusion in them. The ideas of the personal self can be very contradictory and this may be why so much confusion exists in the individuals personal Higg's field.
The storage of the experience of illness seems different from the other life experiences stored in the field. They seem to have a different, separate power to them and this may be an opening regarding healing methods, as removing them from the Higg's field wouldn't, hopefully, run into any ethical problems.
More in the next blogg...
Thanks for reading, Richard.
Sunday, 23 June 2013
The Personalised Higg's Field
Here's the video...
The Personalised Higg's Field
The Higg's Field, which is now being called the Universal Higg's Field creates and maintains the brain in all humans. The electromagnetic force then takes up residence in the brain and the nervous system and works through it. This arrangement between the two fields will be looked at later.
The Universal Higg's Field doesn't exist in out physical universe so the amount of interaction between it and our physical reality is limited. It receives feedback from our physical universe then shapes that universe according to that feedback. So it gives individual brains the ability to create a more physical version of itself that can work in this physical universe with our brains, and is much more interactive. This field is called the Personal Higg's Field to separate it from the Universal Higg's Field.
This personal field acts, amongst other things, as storage of the individuals life story and experience. Everything a person experiences in life is stored there, like cloud storage, whereas a more static image of those experiences is stored in the brain as memory.
This personal field holds everything as a mirror of that persons life - all the good and all the bad - all the illness and those illness reinforce any active illness that's going on in a person, giving them strength.
This personalised field that holds so much pain and suffering for the individual must be dealt with.
A thought just occurred: is this the ego?
Thanks, as always, for reading,
The Personalised Higg's Field
The Higg's Field, which is now being called the Universal Higg's Field creates and maintains the brain in all humans. The electromagnetic force then takes up residence in the brain and the nervous system and works through it. This arrangement between the two fields will be looked at later.
The Universal Higg's Field doesn't exist in out physical universe so the amount of interaction between it and our physical reality is limited. It receives feedback from our physical universe then shapes that universe according to that feedback. So it gives individual brains the ability to create a more physical version of itself that can work in this physical universe with our brains, and is much more interactive. This field is called the Personal Higg's Field to separate it from the Universal Higg's Field.
This personal field acts, amongst other things, as storage of the individuals life story and experience. Everything a person experiences in life is stored there, like cloud storage, whereas a more static image of those experiences is stored in the brain as memory.
This personal field holds everything as a mirror of that persons life - all the good and all the bad - all the illness and those illness reinforce any active illness that's going on in a person, giving them strength.
This personalised field that holds so much pain and suffering for the individual must be dealt with.
A thought just occurred: is this the ego?
Thanks, as always, for reading,
Monday, 17 June 2013
External Damage to the Body
Here's the video...
External Damage to the Body
The only conclusion with a condition such as Multiple Sclerosis is that its one condition with many causes. Its the only answer that fits what has been perceived and the one that harms women is different from the one that harms men.
This accounts for the discrepancy with more women getting it then men, whereas women get the women's one and men get the men's one.
It the rise of technological society that brings us more in contact with unnatural energies and environments that have caused these problems to appear and explains why MS is so hard to understand: an illness caused by many, different separate factors, which are energy based and therefore can't be seen, leading to an identical condition.
An effort will be made to develop methods to help people with this condition, but the only real answer is to understand the causes in society and eliminate them.
External Damage to the Body
The only conclusion with a condition such as Multiple Sclerosis is that its one condition with many causes. Its the only answer that fits what has been perceived and the one that harms women is different from the one that harms men.
This accounts for the discrepancy with more women getting it then men, whereas women get the women's one and men get the men's one.
It the rise of technological society that brings us more in contact with unnatural energies and environments that have caused these problems to appear and explains why MS is so hard to understand: an illness caused by many, different separate factors, which are energy based and therefore can't be seen, leading to an identical condition.
An effort will be made to develop methods to help people with this condition, but the only real answer is to understand the causes in society and eliminate them.
The Contamination of the Higgs Field
Here's the video...
The Contamination of the Higgs Field
The contamination of the local Higgs Field, which seems to come mainly from insects or insect material, gets into a persons DNA or the program that controls the DNA. This insect material has to be close enough to human so the local Higgs field, once it has taken it within itself, to act upon it. The local Higgs Field will then bring about changes in the brain in accordance with the insect material it contains. It seems to be a form of evolution.
Its this contamination which gives rise to certain types of conditions in the brain ones where the structure of the brain starts to change, as in growths, or the opposite where cells start to disappear. These changes in the brain could lead to related conditions in the body. Once the insect material enters the local Higgs Field it seems to leave the body, so no trace of it can be found. Perhaps this contamination of the local Higgs Field is intentional or perhaps something that's evolved.
Once the local Higgs Fields been contaminated in this way its unclear if it can be cleaned out, but it may be possible to filter out what the local Higgs Field tries to do to the brain.
More will be looked at on this in later blogs...
Thanks for reading...
The Contamination of the Higgs Field
The contamination of the local Higgs Field, which seems to come mainly from insects or insect material, gets into a persons DNA or the program that controls the DNA. This insect material has to be close enough to human so the local Higgs field, once it has taken it within itself, to act upon it. The local Higgs Field will then bring about changes in the brain in accordance with the insect material it contains. It seems to be a form of evolution.
Its this contamination which gives rise to certain types of conditions in the brain ones where the structure of the brain starts to change, as in growths, or the opposite where cells start to disappear. These changes in the brain could lead to related conditions in the body. Once the insect material enters the local Higgs Field it seems to leave the body, so no trace of it can be found. Perhaps this contamination of the local Higgs Field is intentional or perhaps something that's evolved.
Once the local Higgs Fields been contaminated in this way its unclear if it can be cleaned out, but it may be possible to filter out what the local Higgs Field tries to do to the brain.
More will be looked at on this in later blogs...
Thanks for reading...
Saturday, 15 June 2013
The Higgs Field and the Brain Continued
Her'e the video...
The Higgs Field and the Brain Continued
This follows on from the previous blog and carries on looking at the role of the Higgs Field in human existence and its relationship to the creative source. The key point of the video is that when the Higgs field discharges the mass it holds within it into the realm of particles it become empty for a fraction of time, although being empty its in a timeless state, and it becomes the creative source by virtue of the fact that its empty.
While empty it starts to release new shapes and content into mass when its taken back into the Higgs field and that, along with the blueprint which is contained in the mass its absorbing, shapes the next release of mass. The blueprint is the operating principle that organises mass and the new shapes and content give that new shape creativity.
This is a stepping stone type video trying to understand the field that creates material existence and what goes wrong in the field - how it becomes contaminated - which gives rise to certain types of illness with us. We don't catch these illnesses they are created in us due to a contamination in the Higgs field.
So the next video will look at what can be done about this contamination...
Regards, Richard.
The Higgs Field and the Brain Continued
This follows on from the previous blog and carries on looking at the role of the Higgs Field in human existence and its relationship to the creative source. The key point of the video is that when the Higgs field discharges the mass it holds within it into the realm of particles it become empty for a fraction of time, although being empty its in a timeless state, and it becomes the creative source by virtue of the fact that its empty.
While empty it starts to release new shapes and content into mass when its taken back into the Higgs field and that, along with the blueprint which is contained in the mass its absorbing, shapes the next release of mass. The blueprint is the operating principle that organises mass and the new shapes and content give that new shape creativity.
This is a stepping stone type video trying to understand the field that creates material existence and what goes wrong in the field - how it becomes contaminated - which gives rise to certain types of illness with us. We don't catch these illnesses they are created in us due to a contamination in the Higgs field.
So the next video will look at what can be done about this contamination...
Regards, Richard.
Sunday, 9 June 2013
The Higgs Field and the Brain
The video is here...
The Higgs Field and the Brain
Looking at the Higgs field it seems that this organises the matter of the brain and regulates its functions. When there's a problem in the field or a break between it and the principle governing the maintenance of the brain, that's when the troubles start.
The challenge here is to understand more about how the Higgs field works and why, to restore the link between the operating principle of the brain and the field so repair and maintenance can start and to create methods where the field can be used directly to restore health.
The problem here, as said in the video, is why would the field act in a way which damages the body if some harmful principle connected with it? The field seems to be self-regulating having a choice in how it acts. If something got into the field could it be so powerful it overrides the fields ability to choose?
Its complicated. If a harmful program connected to the field causing the field to change the way the brain works, this could cause damage throughout the brain, nervous system and body. Also, how is the connection to the field made? This backs up an earlier idea that connections between the world of matter and form and the forces or interactions of nature are a 2-way street. Fields affect matter and matter affects fields, but the Higgs field seems to be the field closest to matter, in fact it seems to carry all matter within it in a kind of potential state.
More to come...
Thanks for reading,
The Higgs Field and the Brain
Looking at the Higgs field it seems that this organises the matter of the brain and regulates its functions. When there's a problem in the field or a break between it and the principle governing the maintenance of the brain, that's when the troubles start.
The challenge here is to understand more about how the Higgs field works and why, to restore the link between the operating principle of the brain and the field so repair and maintenance can start and to create methods where the field can be used directly to restore health.
The problem here, as said in the video, is why would the field act in a way which damages the body if some harmful principle connected with it? The field seems to be self-regulating having a choice in how it acts. If something got into the field could it be so powerful it overrides the fields ability to choose?
Its complicated. If a harmful program connected to the field causing the field to change the way the brain works, this could cause damage throughout the brain, nervous system and body. Also, how is the connection to the field made? This backs up an earlier idea that connections between the world of matter and form and the forces or interactions of nature are a 2-way street. Fields affect matter and matter affects fields, but the Higgs field seems to be the field closest to matter, in fact it seems to carry all matter within it in a kind of potential state.
More to come...
Thanks for reading,
Saturday, 8 June 2013
Oils and Vitality
Here's the video...
Oils and Vitality
It came as a surprise to see the vitality levels of the person receiving a lot of the Step 3 healing method rise so much, but if vitality comes from the sun and the oils radiate the suns energy, it does follow. This was an unexpected result and one of the joys of healing when such things happen.
So a study of vitality is in order. We seem to have lost a great deal of it relying on food energy to fill the gap, but that's like putting paraffin in a car engine - if it works at all its barely adequate. Vitality, like mind, appears to be made up of the forces or interactions of nature with one of them taking first place and dominating the others. With human vitality its the suns energy or the weak effect that is the major force giving vitality its energetic characteristics and the ability to quickly recharge, but why is it lost?
My friend Gavin said that vitality needs to be open, creative, without limits, so it keeps going forward. What stops this process are expectations which limit the freedom, expression and creativity of human vitality. Vitality, when you think about it, needs to be expressed and is a motivational force in all meaningful, human expression. My gratitude to Gavin for this.
Once vitality starts to fade its very hard to get back without outside help - the healing methods. It seems that vitality is to the body what mind is to the brain. Both are there to further human expression and experiences (another of Gavin's expressions).
In time its hoped that more healing methods are developed which reflect the forces of nature and combat different illness that humans suffer from, and as the forces of nature are strengthened within us through the healing methods, those forces combine and unify to reveal the true human being within. So a person is healed inside and out.
Hope you enjoy reading this...
Oils and Vitality
It came as a surprise to see the vitality levels of the person receiving a lot of the Step 3 healing method rise so much, but if vitality comes from the sun and the oils radiate the suns energy, it does follow. This was an unexpected result and one of the joys of healing when such things happen.
So a study of vitality is in order. We seem to have lost a great deal of it relying on food energy to fill the gap, but that's like putting paraffin in a car engine - if it works at all its barely adequate. Vitality, like mind, appears to be made up of the forces or interactions of nature with one of them taking first place and dominating the others. With human vitality its the suns energy or the weak effect that is the major force giving vitality its energetic characteristics and the ability to quickly recharge, but why is it lost?
My friend Gavin said that vitality needs to be open, creative, without limits, so it keeps going forward. What stops this process are expectations which limit the freedom, expression and creativity of human vitality. Vitality, when you think about it, needs to be expressed and is a motivational force in all meaningful, human expression. My gratitude to Gavin for this.
Once vitality starts to fade its very hard to get back without outside help - the healing methods. It seems that vitality is to the body what mind is to the brain. Both are there to further human expression and experiences (another of Gavin's expressions).
In time its hoped that more healing methods are developed which reflect the forces of nature and combat different illness that humans suffer from, and as the forces of nature are strengthened within us through the healing methods, those forces combine and unify to reveal the true human being within. So a person is healed inside and out.
Hope you enjoy reading this...
Oils and Healing With Energy Step 3
The video is here...
Oils and Healing With Energy Step 3
Since doing this video the whole question of vitality has come to mind: what is it and where does it come from? It seems to be the essence of being human and gives us human qualities: interest, curiosity, expression, joy of living and quality of life. Without this dimension that vitality gives us life becomes very mundane, lived at a very low level, and if a whole society or even whole populations lose this vitality, which seems to have happened, it wouldn't be noticed as the low vitality level would be taken as normal.
Vitality, like mind, seems to be made up of the forces of nature, but used in a different way to give human life meaning and expression. It lives in the body. Its different from the energy we get from food which is more of a maintenance energy - chemicals for the body and energy to make the body processes work. Its doubtful if vitality can be classed as an energy - it doesn't look like one - and it wouldn't be if its composed of the forces of nature.
The oils are a powerful way to help restore this vitality when used according to Healing With Energy Step 3. More on this in the next blog...
Thanks for reading,
Oils and Healing With Energy Step 3
Since doing this video the whole question of vitality has come to mind: what is it and where does it come from? It seems to be the essence of being human and gives us human qualities: interest, curiosity, expression, joy of living and quality of life. Without this dimension that vitality gives us life becomes very mundane, lived at a very low level, and if a whole society or even whole populations lose this vitality, which seems to have happened, it wouldn't be noticed as the low vitality level would be taken as normal.
Vitality, like mind, seems to be made up of the forces of nature, but used in a different way to give human life meaning and expression. It lives in the body. Its different from the energy we get from food which is more of a maintenance energy - chemicals for the body and energy to make the body processes work. Its doubtful if vitality can be classed as an energy - it doesn't look like one - and it wouldn't be if its composed of the forces of nature.
The oils are a powerful way to help restore this vitality when used according to Healing With Energy Step 3. More on this in the next blog...
Thanks for reading,
Friday, 7 June 2013
Development of the Healing Methods June 2013
The video is here...
Development of the Healing Methods June 2013
A working out video looking at the forces or interactions of nature, the use of linseed oil, and new way to use batteries.
The forces or interactions are important as they provide the underlying theme to the healing methods. Gravity and the strong effect need more looking at as they seem like two sides of the same coin - connected in some way. The Higgs field has been added to the list of forces of nature so a method will have to be worked out utilising this effect. The use of earth comes to mind here and its interesting as all life on earth comes from the earth and the earth channels so much of the suns heat and light through the earth to us. The key word regarding the Higgs field is density, which is the hallmark of the earth.
Linseed oil is a new addition to the use of oils in Healing With Energy Step 3. Its a power oil with a neutral spin or imprint so it has very little effect on the body beyond opening blocked channels and contributing to the bodies vitality. The next blog explains this more. Its a nice oil to use with a good energy feel to it.
Another way to use the batteries is shown. As said in the video some of the battery energy can be used by us, but some of it can't. That's because our bodies are unable to assimilate and use some parts of the battery energy. This energy, in order to be acceptable to the body, needs to be humanised for want of a better way of putting it. Placing a small piece of putty over the + contact on a battery then holding it to the skin allows the energy to change to a more human form as it passes through the putty. The putty contains linseed oil so oil is being used here as well. Putty is very similar to the human energy and body condition and two pairs of batteries are used at once.
Using batteries in this way is an early form of the method and hopefully it will be used for pain relief and to speed up recovery, help heal broken bones and mend all kinds of injuries. Its probably not going to become a Step method, as it does not bring fundamental change at a deep level in accordance with one of the five forces or interactions of nature, but it may well be a very useful method to bring help.
More study needs to be done.
Hope you enjoyed the video...
Development of the Healing Methods June 2013
A working out video looking at the forces or interactions of nature, the use of linseed oil, and new way to use batteries.
The forces or interactions are important as they provide the underlying theme to the healing methods. Gravity and the strong effect need more looking at as they seem like two sides of the same coin - connected in some way. The Higgs field has been added to the list of forces of nature so a method will have to be worked out utilising this effect. The use of earth comes to mind here and its interesting as all life on earth comes from the earth and the earth channels so much of the suns heat and light through the earth to us. The key word regarding the Higgs field is density, which is the hallmark of the earth.
Linseed oil is a new addition to the use of oils in Healing With Energy Step 3. Its a power oil with a neutral spin or imprint so it has very little effect on the body beyond opening blocked channels and contributing to the bodies vitality. The next blog explains this more. Its a nice oil to use with a good energy feel to it.
Another way to use the batteries is shown. As said in the video some of the battery energy can be used by us, but some of it can't. That's because our bodies are unable to assimilate and use some parts of the battery energy. This energy, in order to be acceptable to the body, needs to be humanised for want of a better way of putting it. Placing a small piece of putty over the + contact on a battery then holding it to the skin allows the energy to change to a more human form as it passes through the putty. The putty contains linseed oil so oil is being used here as well. Putty is very similar to the human energy and body condition and two pairs of batteries are used at once.
Using batteries in this way is an early form of the method and hopefully it will be used for pain relief and to speed up recovery, help heal broken bones and mend all kinds of injuries. Its probably not going to become a Step method, as it does not bring fundamental change at a deep level in accordance with one of the five forces or interactions of nature, but it may well be a very useful method to bring help.
More study needs to be done.
Hope you enjoyed the video...
Saturday, 1 June 2013
Mind and Purpose
Here's the video...
Mind and Purpose
The mind and the brain have different motivations. The brain, living in the physical world, the world of matter, has to protect the body and provide essentials such as food, clothing and shelter. All things necessary to survival and these are internal needs - the brain is born with them within its structure. Outwardly the brain is driven by desire which becomes fame, money and looking good while doing it. These are outward things not part of the brains structure but acquired after birth during life. As they are acquired they can be changed, modified even removed by various means - education, society, friends, ect. All of this is from a human point of view. Its not right or wrong, just how it is. The brain is totally for and of the world having a purely materialistic, human view. The institutions and structures it creates are always materialistic.
None of this means anything to the mind, it has no worldly motivation or desire within it, so why does the mind do what it does?
Mind, as said, has attributes working within it and these attributes from a human point of view may be seen as purpose. Each of the 4 fields that make up mind has its own attribute, or purpose, which is part of its structure. It gives the field its character, its direction and makes it do what it does. For example with gravity its inbuilt attribute gives gravity its properties and way of working. The same is true with the other forces or effects.
When these forces or effects combine in a person, under the direction of brain and ego, the attributes or purpose within them combine as well forming one attribute or purpose which is greater than the parts that make it up. Its this that gives mind its purpose and its purpose is to connect with the creative source and to help others achieve the same state of mind so it can join with them, working towards unity and a common purpose.
From the human point of view this process may be seen as something spiritual or religious, but its only the human point of view overlaid by many hopes and fears. The mind itself is driven by this process, the purpose built within it, and sees it as simply the way to do things. Its all according to viewpoint which is neither right or wrong.
Hope this is of interest to you...
Take care, Richard.
Mind and Purpose
The mind and the brain have different motivations. The brain, living in the physical world, the world of matter, has to protect the body and provide essentials such as food, clothing and shelter. All things necessary to survival and these are internal needs - the brain is born with them within its structure. Outwardly the brain is driven by desire which becomes fame, money and looking good while doing it. These are outward things not part of the brains structure but acquired after birth during life. As they are acquired they can be changed, modified even removed by various means - education, society, friends, ect. All of this is from a human point of view. Its not right or wrong, just how it is. The brain is totally for and of the world having a purely materialistic, human view. The institutions and structures it creates are always materialistic.
None of this means anything to the mind, it has no worldly motivation or desire within it, so why does the mind do what it does?
Mind, as said, has attributes working within it and these attributes from a human point of view may be seen as purpose. Each of the 4 fields that make up mind has its own attribute, or purpose, which is part of its structure. It gives the field its character, its direction and makes it do what it does. For example with gravity its inbuilt attribute gives gravity its properties and way of working. The same is true with the other forces or effects.
When these forces or effects combine in a person, under the direction of brain and ego, the attributes or purpose within them combine as well forming one attribute or purpose which is greater than the parts that make it up. Its this that gives mind its purpose and its purpose is to connect with the creative source and to help others achieve the same state of mind so it can join with them, working towards unity and a common purpose.
From the human point of view this process may be seen as something spiritual or religious, but its only the human point of view overlaid by many hopes and fears. The mind itself is driven by this process, the purpose built within it, and sees it as simply the way to do things. Its all according to viewpoint which is neither right or wrong.
Hope this is of interest to you...
Take care, Richard.
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