The video is here...
Exploring Mind
Mind is not fixed. We're not born with a certain amount of mind that stays the same all through life, but rather mind can and does expand, diminish, grow stronger or weaker, change its shape and alters how it works throughout life. We have a mind that's forever changing because the forces or fields that make up mind, and the degree to which they combine, are always changing. The fabric of the mind is always in flux which means its tremendously flexible and adaptable when healthy and whole, but it works very poorly and inefficiently when a person is ill and the fields that compose mind are affected.
This view that mind is fixed and in an unchanging state comes about because for most people it is. The mind has reached such a low level, due to illness affecting the fields that make it up, its unable to respond to changing circumstances and adapt. Its does this by changing its shape when healthy. When ill its unable to change shape so pointing to the fact that so many of us are ill or affected physically which alters the way our minds respond.
The minds ability to change shape is so important to healthy living, because this is the way it adapts to change and responds to challenge. It does it by changing its shape. It also changes its shape in order to probe other areas such as the creative source which it does by extending a probe into it. This probe is counterbalanced by another probe going in the other direction, flattening out the mind giving it the appearance of a straight line.
As healing brings about changes in the body these changes will feed through into the mind allowing it to work and function properly enriching human existence. You only have to give it a chance...
Thanks for reading,
Hello and welcome to The Healing Way where blogs will be posted explaining further all aspects of my healing methods that have been worked out over the last 20 years. For the sake of simplicity and ease of access the healing methods are blogged about on Healing With Energy here and demonstrated on youtube. The methods are free to try, but you will have to supply the materials used. Please note I'm not a doctor and you use the methods at your own risk. Thanks, Richard
Thursday, 30 May 2013
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
Understanding Mind
The video is here...
Understanding Mind
A difficult video to do looking at the relationship between mind, brain and the source of creation. Interesting is the way the new transfers from the source into the mind with no visible link and the way mind changes what it receives in order for brain to understand.
The mind seems to be the major player letting out new forms and ways to the brain at the right time, in the right way when the brain, and by extension the person, is ready for it. Too soon and its either rejected or misunderstood.
The mind is able to tap into the source of the new once the forces or fields that compose it have been regenerated through the different healing methods. So far it seems that the electromagnetic force that makes up mind gives the mind the ability to do things. It turns the not possible into the possible. That's also how it works with the healing methods giving the other forces or fields the ability to do things they couldn't do in its absence.
The weak nuclear effect as embodied by the oils, gives mind the ability to go to other places like the creative source. It is the field of travel and movement.
Gravity is still a puzzle being worked on, but a powerful field. Only a small amount of understanding is needed of such things just to keep a person going. Nothing yet on the strong nuclear effect.
Hope you enjoy the video...
Understanding Mind
A difficult video to do looking at the relationship between mind, brain and the source of creation. Interesting is the way the new transfers from the source into the mind with no visible link and the way mind changes what it receives in order for brain to understand.
The mind seems to be the major player letting out new forms and ways to the brain at the right time, in the right way when the brain, and by extension the person, is ready for it. Too soon and its either rejected or misunderstood.
The mind is able to tap into the source of the new once the forces or fields that compose it have been regenerated through the different healing methods. So far it seems that the electromagnetic force that makes up mind gives the mind the ability to do things. It turns the not possible into the possible. That's also how it works with the healing methods giving the other forces or fields the ability to do things they couldn't do in its absence.
The weak nuclear effect as embodied by the oils, gives mind the ability to go to other places like the creative source. It is the field of travel and movement.
Gravity is still a puzzle being worked on, but a powerful field. Only a small amount of understanding is needed of such things just to keep a person going. Nothing yet on the strong nuclear effect.
Hope you enjoy the video...
The Developing Mind
The video is here...
The Developing Mind
Through healing you will experience a change of mind. Mind isn't fixed, something we're born with that stays the same all through life. It changes because the fields that make it up change. The fields change due to the damaging effect of illness on them as they pass through the body on their way to the brain. They also can become depleted, so the mind that's made up of these fields works at a lower level, unable to reach or contact higher states, and this low level of working becomes the norm. If everybody in a society is at the same level with their minds, its not realised that the minds operating at a low level.
But then the healing methods come along which, amongst other thing, replenish the 4 fields in the body that make up mind. The 4 fields are, as said before, electromagnetism, the strong & weak nuclear effect & gravity. The mind then regains its true form, structure, vitality and abilities and its these abilities which will be new, or at least new to the person who has this mind, and this mind will be able to connect to higher levels where new things are, or rather the principle of new things are. It will also be able to deal with problem that dwell in the mind.
All this needs to be experienced and understood. Its nothing to worry about, rather an amazing part of being human to experience.
Regards, Richard
The Developing Mind
Through healing you will experience a change of mind. Mind isn't fixed, something we're born with that stays the same all through life. It changes because the fields that make it up change. The fields change due to the damaging effect of illness on them as they pass through the body on their way to the brain. They also can become depleted, so the mind that's made up of these fields works at a lower level, unable to reach or contact higher states, and this low level of working becomes the norm. If everybody in a society is at the same level with their minds, its not realised that the minds operating at a low level.
But then the healing methods come along which, amongst other thing, replenish the 4 fields in the body that make up mind. The 4 fields are, as said before, electromagnetism, the strong & weak nuclear effect & gravity. The mind then regains its true form, structure, vitality and abilities and its these abilities which will be new, or at least new to the person who has this mind, and this mind will be able to connect to higher levels where new things are, or rather the principle of new things are. It will also be able to deal with problem that dwell in the mind.
All this needs to be experienced and understood. Its nothing to worry about, rather an amazing part of being human to experience.
Regards, Richard
Sunday, 26 May 2013
Body Condition and Illness
Here's the video...
Body Condition and Illness
The individual body condition is created by the stresses, strains and distortions within a person, most often caused by illness or the build-up of illness. Powerful mental conditions will also change the body condition, but this state of mind is usually the follow through of illness in the body.
Illness always shows in the body condition, and the perceptive eye and ear can discern a great deal about an illness by studying the body condition, which is always revealing. Serious conditions always show in the eyes, that's the most revealing place, followed by the condition of the skin, hair, nails, teeth, body temperature, walk, body odour, balance, attitude, energy, stiffness of body, flexibility of mind, emotional and mental state, tone of voice, mannerisms, reaction to challenge, choice of friends - and much more.
To develop insight into the body condition perception needs to be used - that is to observe without any preconception. If possible if somebody has an illness, study them for its characteristics and try to get the feel of it. All illness has its own feel which is a merging of its energy with a persons energy to form the characteristic energy of the condition. Cancer has its own, very powerful energy as does any condition associated with insects, although not as strong. Many conditions have a dark feel to them such as some forms of arthritis, migraine and asthma. As an exercise try to tell which type of arthritis a person has just using perception - osteoarthritis , rheumatoid or something in between. Try also to perceive the differences between injury, say an injured back, and arthritis.
Out of a study of the body condition will come a broader understanding of illness and what causes it and how to deal with it more effectively. Remember, using perception which leads to insight and understanding is the key...
Body Condition and Illness
The individual body condition is created by the stresses, strains and distortions within a person, most often caused by illness or the build-up of illness. Powerful mental conditions will also change the body condition, but this state of mind is usually the follow through of illness in the body.
Illness always shows in the body condition, and the perceptive eye and ear can discern a great deal about an illness by studying the body condition, which is always revealing. Serious conditions always show in the eyes, that's the most revealing place, followed by the condition of the skin, hair, nails, teeth, body temperature, walk, body odour, balance, attitude, energy, stiffness of body, flexibility of mind, emotional and mental state, tone of voice, mannerisms, reaction to challenge, choice of friends - and much more.
To develop insight into the body condition perception needs to be used - that is to observe without any preconception. If possible if somebody has an illness, study them for its characteristics and try to get the feel of it. All illness has its own feel which is a merging of its energy with a persons energy to form the characteristic energy of the condition. Cancer has its own, very powerful energy as does any condition associated with insects, although not as strong. Many conditions have a dark feel to them such as some forms of arthritis, migraine and asthma. As an exercise try to tell which type of arthritis a person has just using perception - osteoarthritis , rheumatoid or something in between. Try also to perceive the differences between injury, say an injured back, and arthritis.
Out of a study of the body condition will come a broader understanding of illness and what causes it and how to deal with it more effectively. Remember, using perception which leads to insight and understanding is the key...
More on Healing With Energy Step 4
The video is here...
More on Healing With Energy Step 4
Metals seem to act differently than other substances. They don't radiate fields like the batteries and oils and seem to be very reluctant to move. It seems like the words aren't there to describe the way they work because they haven't been seen in this way before. Metals appear to be inert having no connection with humans, but we have some of them in our bodies to help them function. Humans give off energies which connect to other humans in a common ground outside our bodies and its the way we relate to each other. Metals don't do that - they give off no energy to relate to, which means they appear to be overlooked, reducing them to the level of tools, but they action they have in the human body, as used in Healing With Energy Step 4, is quite profound.
They work individually to purge the different systems in us, but they also combine to form a unified effect that passes slowly through the body eliminating all abnormal effects and unnatural vibrations which cause so much change within us. This unified effect coming from the metals acts like a steamroller smoothing out the bumps in life, eliminating the problems they give rise too.
More work and study needs to be done with metals which will probably give rise to a Step 4 Part 2 video. Hope you have enjoyed it all so far...
More on Healing With Energy Step 4
Metals seem to act differently than other substances. They don't radiate fields like the batteries and oils and seem to be very reluctant to move. It seems like the words aren't there to describe the way they work because they haven't been seen in this way before. Metals appear to be inert having no connection with humans, but we have some of them in our bodies to help them function. Humans give off energies which connect to other humans in a common ground outside our bodies and its the way we relate to each other. Metals don't do that - they give off no energy to relate to, which means they appear to be overlooked, reducing them to the level of tools, but they action they have in the human body, as used in Healing With Energy Step 4, is quite profound.
They work individually to purge the different systems in us, but they also combine to form a unified effect that passes slowly through the body eliminating all abnormal effects and unnatural vibrations which cause so much change within us. This unified effect coming from the metals acts like a steamroller smoothing out the bumps in life, eliminating the problems they give rise too.
More work and study needs to be done with metals which will probably give rise to a Step 4 Part 2 video. Hope you have enjoyed it all so far...
Allowing Change
The video is here...
Allowing Change
If you have suffered with a chronic condition for many years, letting it go can be difficult. You can't let go of an illness that's been with you for years and stay the same person, as that illness has shaped your life, created your personality and made you what you are. The two have become one, so as the healing methods given on these blogs start to move you to a better life, if they are to work change is inevitable. Of course to a healthy outsider they wont see what the problem is - in their eyes, of course you want to get well, but getting well, giving up all the anger, the fear, resentment even pain, can be a scary thing.
It needn't be. The healing methods will help you regain health, but you have to let them. You can't help the healing methods work or make them work any quicker, everything in its own time, but you can stand in their way and block them. This will happen if you're not ready for change. As said before, of course its easy for others who don't know what you've been through, to say how easy it is, but letting go of the past can be very difficult and its wise to give it some thought. When you're ready change will be so natural you wont even notice it happening and you will become a different person - a whole new you that needs to be explored and understood.
Allowing Change
If you have suffered with a chronic condition for many years, letting it go can be difficult. You can't let go of an illness that's been with you for years and stay the same person, as that illness has shaped your life, created your personality and made you what you are. The two have become one, so as the healing methods given on these blogs start to move you to a better life, if they are to work change is inevitable. Of course to a healthy outsider they wont see what the problem is - in their eyes, of course you want to get well, but getting well, giving up all the anger, the fear, resentment even pain, can be a scary thing.
It needn't be. The healing methods will help you regain health, but you have to let them. You can't help the healing methods work or make them work any quicker, everything in its own time, but you can stand in their way and block them. This will happen if you're not ready for change. As said before, of course its easy for others who don't know what you've been through, to say how easy it is, but letting go of the past can be very difficult and its wise to give it some thought. When you're ready change will be so natural you wont even notice it happening and you will become a different person - a whole new you that needs to be explored and understood.
Monday, 20 May 2013
A Study of Carbon
Here's the video...
A Study of Carbon
Looks like the dark energy that's been perceived connected to, or is the underlying condition of, illnesses such as migraine, some forms of arthritis, asthma and cancer - to name a few - is carbon, or more accurately, carbon dioxide. This gas is not an energy or totally physical seeming to be in a borderline state between the two being able to connect or act as an intermediary or medium connecting the two. The problem is carbon dioxide is very programmable as it combines with many elements so it can be controlled and through it matter and energy can be controlled leading to conditions we call illness.
The body seems to hoard carbon dioxide in parts of the body that are under attack in order to neutralise the attack - probably from insects, or substances insects have passed into the body. It changes the atmosphere, something we do when storing grain and fruit to protect it from insects. This gas then combines with environmental pollution in the body to cause some types of arthritis, asthma, migraine and so on, but not cancer. Carbon dioxide combined with some kind of insect material (eggs?) causes cancer as its the combining with the carbon dioxide that gives the insect material power over matter and energy. This is why Healing with Energy Step 1 works on asthma, some types of arthritis, migraine and related conditions because it strips out, or extracts environmental pollution, but it doesn't work on cancer as its unable to strip out the insect material or touch the carbon dioxide.
As the harmful substances are unable to be extracted the approach is to leave them in place, but to neutralise them. This will be Healing with Energy Step 4 using lead, oil, batteries and activated charcoal. Step 4 is also about using metals in many ways to neutralise many conditions and will also combine 3 of the 4 forces or effects in the universe - electromagnetism, gravity and the weak nuclear effect.
This being worked on but before that will be a supplement to Healing with Energy Step 3 which is about oils. After Step 1, Step 2 is about oils (fluids), Step 3 is about the material of the body (solids), and Step 4 is about metals.
Nothing yet on Step 5 - the strong nuclear effect. Any guesses?
Thanks as always,
A Study of Carbon
Looks like the dark energy that's been perceived connected to, or is the underlying condition of, illnesses such as migraine, some forms of arthritis, asthma and cancer - to name a few - is carbon, or more accurately, carbon dioxide. This gas is not an energy or totally physical seeming to be in a borderline state between the two being able to connect or act as an intermediary or medium connecting the two. The problem is carbon dioxide is very programmable as it combines with many elements so it can be controlled and through it matter and energy can be controlled leading to conditions we call illness.
The body seems to hoard carbon dioxide in parts of the body that are under attack in order to neutralise the attack - probably from insects, or substances insects have passed into the body. It changes the atmosphere, something we do when storing grain and fruit to protect it from insects. This gas then combines with environmental pollution in the body to cause some types of arthritis, asthma, migraine and so on, but not cancer. Carbon dioxide combined with some kind of insect material (eggs?) causes cancer as its the combining with the carbon dioxide that gives the insect material power over matter and energy. This is why Healing with Energy Step 1 works on asthma, some types of arthritis, migraine and related conditions because it strips out, or extracts environmental pollution, but it doesn't work on cancer as its unable to strip out the insect material or touch the carbon dioxide.
As the harmful substances are unable to be extracted the approach is to leave them in place, but to neutralise them. This will be Healing with Energy Step 4 using lead, oil, batteries and activated charcoal. Step 4 is also about using metals in many ways to neutralise many conditions and will also combine 3 of the 4 forces or effects in the universe - electromagnetism, gravity and the weak nuclear effect.
This being worked on but before that will be a supplement to Healing with Energy Step 3 which is about oils. After Step 1, Step 2 is about oils (fluids), Step 3 is about the material of the body (solids), and Step 4 is about metals.
Nothing yet on Step 5 - the strong nuclear effect. Any guesses?
Thanks as always,
Monday, 6 May 2013
Brain, mind, self and ego
Mind seems to be a construct or creation of brain and ego. The brain creates mind in order to explore and understand the world of creativity and energy. The energy world is where things can be worked out, in energy, before being transferred over to the physical, real world of brain. The interesting bit is that brain is unable to enter the energy world directly, but it has the ability to construct mind, and self, to allow it to receive the benefits of the energy world - creativity, insight, understanding, perception and so on. Self is another construct in order to express the content that mind has passed over ie a person (self) is creative, insightful, perceptive and so on. Brain seems unwilling or unable to to take the lead and be seen in front preferring to work though its creations.
Understanding mind is an art. As shapes start to appear brain has to interpret and understand what its being show. Mind takes its time revealing its insight slowly in pictures and images, creating images which brain can accept and understand. The images change as brain starts to comprehend becoming more complex. With completely new ideas and concepts mind will just reveal to brain a core image of that concept letting it stay in brain for days as the power and energy of it - its understanding - filters down into brain. The new comes into mind to be understood by brain and expressed by self, but what of ego?
Ego starts off as a creation of self dealing with emotions, feelings and thoughts, but it becomes independent of self living its own life. It then works with brain to create mind as ego is energy whereas brain isn't and brain needs the energy manipulating abilities of ego to create mind. Self can't do it as self is essentially passive energy which isn't authoritative enough to create mind - the aggressive energy of ego is need for that. Ego becomes independent after a while due to its self renewing capacity - it generates its own energy internally through the friction of conflict. Being in conflict, adversarial, makes it feel alive, but its only a pseudo life not real, made up of dead energy. Its stands outside life and connects to other egos networking. Its this connecting that gives it its strength.
The trick is to listen to mind more and balance the different parts of mind, brain, self and ego. Only then can the individual be truly creative and express that creativity which is the point of life and being human.
Understanding mind is an art. As shapes start to appear brain has to interpret and understand what its being show. Mind takes its time revealing its insight slowly in pictures and images, creating images which brain can accept and understand. The images change as brain starts to comprehend becoming more complex. With completely new ideas and concepts mind will just reveal to brain a core image of that concept letting it stay in brain for days as the power and energy of it - its understanding - filters down into brain. The new comes into mind to be understood by brain and expressed by self, but what of ego?
Ego starts off as a creation of self dealing with emotions, feelings and thoughts, but it becomes independent of self living its own life. It then works with brain to create mind as ego is energy whereas brain isn't and brain needs the energy manipulating abilities of ego to create mind. Self can't do it as self is essentially passive energy which isn't authoritative enough to create mind - the aggressive energy of ego is need for that. Ego becomes independent after a while due to its self renewing capacity - it generates its own energy internally through the friction of conflict. Being in conflict, adversarial, makes it feel alive, but its only a pseudo life not real, made up of dead energy. Its stands outside life and connects to other egos networking. Its this connecting that gives it its strength.
The trick is to listen to mind more and balance the different parts of mind, brain, self and ego. Only then can the individual be truly creative and express that creativity which is the point of life and being human.
Sunday, 5 May 2013
Factors in multiple sclerosis
Factors perceived so far are: insect material that gets into the body, brewers yeast and vinegar. In women an extra contributing factor that aggravates the condition is skin or hand cream. There is also a very corrosive energy given off by high tension power lines - the cables between electricity pylons - which has a harmful effect on the human brain and nervous system and could be a factor in MS. More of this energy is released when its raining. Rust is a factor as well in this energy being released. This needs a closer look.
Insect material: This flying insects spread on grasslands to act as beacons in living creatures. The grass, cellulose, is important as the transport mechanism. It then passes into grazing animals, mostly cows, then into people as dairy products. Heat doesn't kill this material and it has no life span - it just goes on and on. Movement starts it vibrating, ie in the blood, or when it becomes warm, ie body heat. Once vibrating it acts like a beacon for insects, insect energy and other energies too apparently, so the creature or person is tagged. It spreads around the body near the surface acting as a locator for flying insects. For some reason insects want to be able to locate mobile creatures, building up an information network.
Next is brewers yeast and vinegar which come from many sources but the worst is malted bread because that combines the two. Vinegar isn't quite right - acetic acid's a better term.
The insect material acting like a beacon allows the energy of the brewers yeast to locate it. The brewers yeast consumes the insect energy - something it developed in the wild - and it carries on doing so in the body. The yeast isn't alive, not really, but it has strong survival instincts and it has some kind of symbiotic relationship with the vinegar or acetic acid. The acid acts as a stimulant in small amounts giving the yeast drive or movement.
The brewers yeast consumes the insect material.The damage caused to the energy communication system which surrounds the nervous system, by the energy of skin cream - amongst other things - allows the energy of the brewers yeast through to the nervous system. The energy surrounding the nervous system acts as a defence to harmful energy and damage to it will let the energy in to the nervous system where it can spread. This surrounding energy is in place as once the harmful energy is in the nervous system it will spread throughout the body.
The energy of the vinegar burns through the myelin sheath allowing the energy of the brewers yeast to pour into the nervous system like a waterfall. Once in the yeast energy spreads throughout the nervous system changing the body condition to resemble that of the yeast energy - no barriers within it, expanding in all directions at once. The body takes on this condition which is recognised as the conditions of MS. The burn through of the myelin sheaths is secondary to the yeast energy getting into the nervous system - the main problem - and its this energy that needs to be flushed out.
The brewers yeast consumes the insect material.The damage caused to the energy communication system which surrounds the nervous system, by the energy of skin cream - amongst other things - allows the energy of the brewers yeast through to the nervous system. The energy surrounding the nervous system acts as a defence to harmful energy and damage to it will let the energy in to the nervous system where it can spread. This surrounding energy is in place as once the harmful energy is in the nervous system it will spread throughout the body.
The energy of the vinegar burns through the myelin sheath allowing the energy of the brewers yeast to pour into the nervous system like a waterfall. Once in the yeast energy spreads throughout the nervous system changing the body condition to resemble that of the yeast energy - no barriers within it, expanding in all directions at once. The body takes on this condition which is recognised as the conditions of MS. The burn through of the myelin sheaths is secondary to the yeast energy getting into the nervous system - the main problem - and its this energy that needs to be flushed out.
Both affect men and women equally, but the use of hand or skin cream mostly by women make things worse. This is due to the skin cream energy helping to break down and disrupt the energy that surrounds and protects the nerves.
Healing With Energy Step 3 appears to drive out this flying insect energy so hopefully things don't get any worse and stopping using hand cream and consuming brewers yeast and vinegar in any form will help. The insect energy from crawling insects which goes much deeper hopefully will be dealt with by Step 4.
Their are many different insect energies and their different nature gives rise to different conditions, which we call illness, in a person. These energies are not illness energies, but the illness is a reflection of the insect energy working. The insect energy of a nest building insect will try to create a nest using the material around it. This produces the lumps called tumours. This is the action of insects that live underground.
Thanks for reading...
Thanks for reading...
Can energy damage the body directly?
So far its been perceived that energy effects the body in many different ways. Environmental pollution gets into the program that controls how the DNA works. Energy from insect bites and toxic bacteria stops the immune system from working properly. Something damages the outer conduit of the energy communication system which may well lead to motor neurone disease, but this is all indirect damage - energy damaging energy or changing the way the energy works, but can adverse or harmful energy cause direct damage such as the brain as in parkingson's disease and the myelin sheaths as in multiple sclerosis?
It seems it must do but the link hasn't been perceived yet. The damage is done deep down where energy, which doesn't register on a meter like electricity, but can be affected by material force or substance, meets matter in the body which is very close to being energy. An example of such a material would be petrol which is just over the line between matter and energy. There must be similar substances in the body which can be seen as matter but are mostly energy and can therefore be damaged directly by energies that are material enough. This would be the brain cells and the myelin sheaths as mentioned above. It has to be this way as how else can the damage be done? And what's doing it?
It seems clear that the damage caused to the body is a side effect of the harming energy. It has no desire , intention or need to cause this harm. It doesn't act in a malicious way, but its a side effect of its nature. For instance an acid type energy would burn through the myelin sheaths and a different energy would damage the brain cells. The burn through of the myelin sheaths seems to be an aspect of acid energy, say vinegar or acetic acid whereas the damage to the brain cells seems to have more of a clearing action, like something is trying to make room for something else. This would be the action of some kind of insect material or energy.
Also unclear is how these energies make the long journey from the outside world to certain spots or sites in the body. And why does the burn through only happen with the myelin and not elsewhere. Something carries this energy to the site of the damage a carrier energy. Have to look closer at this...
It seems it must do but the link hasn't been perceived yet. The damage is done deep down where energy, which doesn't register on a meter like electricity, but can be affected by material force or substance, meets matter in the body which is very close to being energy. An example of such a material would be petrol which is just over the line between matter and energy. There must be similar substances in the body which can be seen as matter but are mostly energy and can therefore be damaged directly by energies that are material enough. This would be the brain cells and the myelin sheaths as mentioned above. It has to be this way as how else can the damage be done? And what's doing it?
It seems clear that the damage caused to the body is a side effect of the harming energy. It has no desire , intention or need to cause this harm. It doesn't act in a malicious way, but its a side effect of its nature. For instance an acid type energy would burn through the myelin sheaths and a different energy would damage the brain cells. The burn through of the myelin sheaths seems to be an aspect of acid energy, say vinegar or acetic acid whereas the damage to the brain cells seems to have more of a clearing action, like something is trying to make room for something else. This would be the action of some kind of insect material or energy.
Also unclear is how these energies make the long journey from the outside world to certain spots or sites in the body. And why does the burn through only happen with the myelin and not elsewhere. Something carries this energy to the site of the damage a carrier energy. Have to look closer at this...
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