Saturday, 14 June 2014

Rheumatoid Arthritis, Cells & Cancer Part 7

The video is here...

Rheumatoid Arthritis, Cells and Cancer Part 7

The cells of the stomach lining are the original cells from the moment of conception of the sperm and the egg. The calls divide and form gatekeeper cells which line the stomach wall and screen out any harmful energy from food from entering the body through the stomach. They are similar to the cells that make up the colon.

These stomach cells are damaged in the same way that the colon is damaged by antibiotics so they can no longer screen out harmful energy. The cells of the body have already been weakened by waste energy leaking into the body through the damaged colon and now harmful energy can pass directly into the cells through the stomach.

Harmful insect material and the energy that's connected to it passes into the food chain via animals that regurgitate and masticate their food. The insect material is in the grass that animals such as cows, sheep and goats graze and the process of masticating, chewing the cud, and regurgitating transfers energy from the animal into the insect material multiplying the strength of its energy. It has now become dangerous as the energy of the insect material  transforms the cells of an insect through metamorphosis and once in the human body it will try to do the same - transform the cells - and remember these cells may have already been weakened.

A very small fragment of the insect material contains all the energy of that insects life cycle and thanks to the animal masticating that energy has become very powerful, but another factor, that is, damage done to the clear fluids of a human being needs to be done for this process to become full blown cancer, and that's the subject of the next post,

Thanks for reading this,

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