Sunday, 12 January 2014

Mind and Brain Part 2

The video is here...

Mind and Brain Part 2

Taking a second look at how the brain functions and wanting to point out there is a choice between only using the mind, thought and self and allowing the brain to function and rise to its own level, thus providing alternatives to what the mind provides.

The individual brain, in order to function in order, needs freedom. The chaos that mind has become is a difficult place for the brain as it needs order to function - not human imposed order that's driven by expediency and short term solutions, but the order that comes to the brain when, as said, its free to rise to its proper level in which it can take delight and connect with everything around it, becoming one.

In this state its part of the flow and process of life on many levels and what we would see as answers are simply the brain giving out part of that process to us. To try and clarify: people want answers to serious questions. A question is at the start, but when the brain is fully connected there is no start or no starting point - all is perceived as a unified process - so questions and answers to life's problems become an abstract, artificial way of dealing with things. A brain that is connected to life's process and sees the unity of it all. will show the individual. through images. what needs to be dome - the next step that leads out of chaos and towards perceiving the process and purpose of life. So that persons life will become the answer that's needed.

Great attention must be given to these images that the brain presents and their interpretation seeing that they don't end, and once the meaning of one image is grasped the brain presents the next one, if its happy that the person has correctly interpreted the image.

To be aware of images the individual must leave the mind and self and become aware of a different process going on - the presentation of images, and this is not easy for most as from birth the whole focus of life is mind and self and most are happy with this, but a few will want what's being talked about here - creativity, freedom and perception of process - and its to those this post is for. To point out something different is possible...



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