Sunday, 14 September 2014

Free eBook Updated to Version 2

Here's a link to the Free eBook just been published on smashwords if you'd like to take a look.
Version 2 has now been uploaded replacing the last version. Putting 2 versions on at once isn't allowed so if you like a version download it to keep as updates will come over the next few months.

Version 2 has earth & rice added to The Therapy. The earth has a grounding effect to erratic electrical energy as well as providing life energy the body needs for recovery. Rice, according to friend Gavin, is used by the body to re-calibrate the way the body uses water.

A section of explanations about energy, illness, health and how The Therapy works has been added followed by some Q & A's. Should be interesting for those who follow this kind of stuff.

During writing the methods that have been developed over the last 20 years changed and boiled down to 1 therapy which is much more powerful and effective. Putty came in to be used as a 2 way filter replacing the carbon and silica gel filters.

Putty is an interesting substance being a mixture of linseed oil and chalk or calcium. It's also a metal and our bones are made from it forming a latticework to make the bones light and strong. It seems that calcium, wherever its found (bones, earths crust) has many properties and its use as a filter has been overlooked. Linseed oil is another interesting material with a special energy.

The book took a lot of work. The original was way too long and complicated as an introduction to the therapy, so it was replaced with a much simpler how-to-do guide. Also the whole business of publishing online required much understanding of technical stuff such as creating a book cover, formatting, structure, the right file format and so on. Having said that it was a very enjoyable process and enabled the therapy to get out into the public domain more.

Its writing this guide that's stopped blogs being published here as its not just time but keeping the right frame of mind for writing a simple guide, but apologies for not posting recently.

Friend Gav showed up talking about bacteria and how important they were to the immune system. He said when being born we pass through the birth canal and are covered in bacteria which teach or educate our immune systems how to function. A kind of biological programming. Sadly widespread use of antibiotics kill off these bacteria leaving our immune systems uneducated.

He brought round some probiotic yogurts intending to use the bacteria in them in a healing way to re-educate the immune system but the idea had gone as far as it could at that time so it was left for more to be revealed.

It occurred later that it was soil that was needed rather than yogurt with all the bacteria, roots and life it contains combined with batteries and oils as a power source, and that has been tried with interesting results, but it's early days yet and too soon to incorporate it into a therapy. Hats off to Gav for this a very nice piece of work, but Jesus had it first. Check out how the blind man was healed from birth. Dirt (soil) and spit (power).

Gav also had some interesting ideas on fungi saying that they are all through a forest, everywhere, joining and connecting everything in a cohesive way. Not sure how this applies to human systems but its being looked at. We use yeast a lot in food and yeast is a kind of fungus.

Going back to the book - it's a starting point to get The Therapy over to people in a simple way then publish more books, or guides, to gradually ratchet up people's understanding.

Good times ahead...:)