Thursday, 26 December 2013

Mind and Brain

The video is here...

Mind and Brain

This post explores the possibility of letting the brain work naturally without any coercion or direction and letting it convey its messages from the higher levels within itself which connect to the non-physical to the lower levels within itself from which those messages spread out into the physical world around us. Letting the brain work in this way means that the mind which is a brain/ego creation isn't used, so the brain isn't limited in its scope.

Working in this unrestricted way means the brain is in direct contact, through perception, of non tangible things such as creativity, insight, wisdom, intelligence, realisation and an understanding which isn't shaped or limited. The implications of all this are passed from the non physical to the physical via the brain as images which are non verbal. These images are infused with energy which gives them life and vitality and allows them to give rise to action in the world if they aren't interfered with, or block, by the action of the mind.

Mind is the creation of the brain to allow the brain to communicate with the world around us but its an artificial creation without life or living energy in which artificial systems develop - logic, reason, personal thought, memory, analysis, idea, the scientific method, being objective and so on which is very small and limited and simply get in the brains way. Also the idea of the personal self builds up and lodges in the mind giving rise to the search for personal advantage, money, fame, recognition and so on which causes more distortion.

So its seems a better thing to by-pass the confused mess that has become the mind and personal self and go back to letting the brain communicate directly with the world through images. This means the brain refocuses in a different direction and a cleansing of the brain will begin when this is seen - that the mind has gone beyond being useful to the brain and a new direction is needed.

Hope this helps...


Rheumatoid Arthritis, Cells and Cancer Part 3

The video is here...

Rheumatoid Arthritis, Cells and Cancer Part 3

This carries on from Rheumatoid Arthritis, Cells and Cancer Part 2.

The cells of the body consume or process the waste material that the body has reabsorbed, which should have been passed out of the body, as described in the previous video in this series. It does this to generate usable energy for the physical process of the body, but in the process a type of gas is given off which gives rise to some forms of asthma, depression, migraine and similar conditions. Rheumatoid arthritis comes as a direct result of the waste material being in the body unprocessed by the cells and this material also gives rise to some forms of dementia. The damaging properties are made worse when coffee and cola type soft drinks are consumed.

The absorption of toxic pollution through the skin - mostly the wrists and ankles - also gives rise to similar conditions but through a different process.

This waste material goes on to form or bond with the strands of the DNA so affecting the way it works and the process therein. For some reason this waste material is selected to bond with the DNA even though other types of material are available and the cells do that as well - select a highly damaging and inappropriate material to use when more suitable ones are available. Why this happens is unclear, but the joining of this waste material with the DNA looks like being connected to cancer and it doesn't seem possible that cancer can exist in a person without this waste material being present.

This waste material, which has the capacity to be highly energetic and is filled with the power of regeneration (or the death power as it was being called), and why the cells and DNA use it, needs a closer look. The fact that its in a pre-energetic state and therefore can be adapted may be significant...

