Sunday, 20 October 2013

Healthy People Don't Get Ill

Here's the video...

Healthy People Don't Get Ill

...only people with a low level of health get ill. We seem to have the view that so long as there are no symptoms we are healthy and no thought's given to the level of health whereas most of us have a level of health at about 30% of whats possible, leaving us wide open to serious illness.

Its our constant exposure to an environment that we have made toxic, and exposure to viruses, bacteria, fungi, insects and so on that breed in this toxic environment that lowers our level of health. Also antibiotics, vaccines and drugs also play a major role in this, attacking the human immune system and breaking down the energy systems of the body that maintain health. Even the sunlight that reaches our bodies is changed as it passes through the polluted atmosphere affecting the strong nuclear interaction of the cells of our bodies. We need to be more perceptive of such matters.

We think that we catch an illness which leads to symptoms which damage the body and before the illness arrives we're healthy, but the truth is a person has to be in a decline, health wise, to have a very low level of health, before an illness, disease or contaminate can, not just get into a person, but to stay in and thrive. A persons own defenses, the immune system, has to be virtually knocked out for this to happen. Even conditions we would consider minor, such as the cold sore virus and athletes foot fungal infection are an indication of the decline in the general level of health for them to live in a person untroubled by the immune system.

Without the immune system and the energy systems of the body working correctly, and all toxic contamination removed from the body, trying to get rid of a long term, chronic condition is going to be very hard because its given comfort and protection by the weakness of the body to deal with such things and its this weakness that's let the illness in first of all. The illness isn't the cause of the problems or the only problem its just a problem further down the chain of problems that starts with the decline in our general level of health.

Its for these reasons that with the Healing With Energy methods the first 3 steps are designed to raise the general level of health and to remove toxic pollutants within the body, so when Healing With Energy Step 4 is used to tackle the illness itself by 'flushing out all the crap' as my friend Gavin once commented, the restored and recovered immune system can join in putting the body right, although experience has shown the immune system will put right what it considers to be the most important thing first which isn't usually the illness.

Hope you enjoyed this post...


Saturday, 19 October 2013

Perception and Understanding

The video is here...

Perception and Understanding

Understanding seems to have come to the forefront of human thinking as the way forward and the only way forward. Its derived from mental objects, that is we abstract a model of what we are seeing into our minds where it becomes a mental object which is studied and from that model is derived understanding. Understanding such models is the study of the artificial. It exists in isolation, and is the basis of the scientific method. It isolates the human being engaged in such activity which seems to be the whole point of it - in isolation the artificial core that we have created within ourselves, the me or personal self is preserved. This is the root of suffering: something not real inside that we have identified with that exists in isolation suffers.

Perception on the other hand is a completely different process engaging the entire mind. Perception can only happen when all the energy of the mind is engaged in the process of perception and that perception is part of a much bigger process which includes realisation and insight. Perception is the seeing of truth and the realisation of its implications through insight. Perception happens in real time with all consequences being seen. Adverse things might arise, but the perceptive mind will have anticipated them due to its constant awareness of processes.

A mind fixed in an understanding mode is restricted and unable to foresee the consequence of its actions. Being blind to its actions is essential because if the mind opens itself up to a more perceptive state, which is the seeing of truth, then the artificial mental state it has created would cease to exist, as the false will dissolve in the light of the perception of truth.

So the choice is: understanding can exist as part of the greater whole, that is the mind working in a unified way, but the artificial creation that hides behind understand, the self, will disappear. For the healer and a person interested in heath, perception is required, nothing else will do...

Thanks for reading,


Rheumatoid Arthritis, Cells and Cancer Part 2

The video is here...

Rheumatoid Arthritis, Cells and Cancer Part 2

Part 1 looked at how a certain type of environmental pollution, produced by electricity passing through transmission cables, changed the nature of light as it passes through the atmosphere reaching the cells of our bodies and all life on earth.

Part 2 looks at the process from the other end - how rheumatoid arthritis starts up in humans, and what's the link between rheumatoid arthritis, and its various by products, and cancer, which has always looked to perception as an active form of (passive) rheumatoid arthritis.

Damage is done to the colon by antibiotics which reverses the way the colon works so instead of drawing out and storing good energy material from food as it passes out from the body, the colon draws out and stores, for later use and conversion by the cells into energy the body can use, bad waste energy. This is the opposite of how it normally works and why damage caused by antibiotics to the colon causes it to act in this way is unclear.

Small amounts of waste energy passes into the spine through the coccyx which is the brains detection system. Information regarding the stored energy material feeds into the brain so the brain can regulate the extraction process and direct the cells of the body to convert certain energy materials the body needs into a form the body can use. When this waste energy enters the brain it seems the brain goes haywire directing the cells to consume and process not just more of this energy, but only this energy. Why is unclear. Also this waste energy in the brain leads to a certain type of mental confusion (dementia), some types of depression and mood swings.

The food we eat isn't the problem. The problem is the damage done to the colon by antibiotics and all the follow on effects. As the cells process this waste energy certain spin off conditions arise such as asthma, migraines, IBS, types of depression, allergies and so on.

Storing this waste energy in the body directly leads to the condition known as rheumatoid arthritis.

No new healing methods have been produced for this as this problem seems to have been remedied by the existing Healing with Energy methods 1 to 4 with No 4 being the one probably flushing out the colon of the damage caused by the antibiotics.

The link between rheumatoid arthritis and cancer, beyond perceiving they are two sides of the same problem remains unclear and how the cells of the body act or work when receiving the wrong type of sunlight also needs a closer study.

Hopefully Part 3 will open up the process more...

Thanks for reading,
